Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3)

Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) by Lorelei James Page A

Book: Rough Riders Bundle 1(books 1, 2, 3) by Lorelei James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorelei James
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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until tonight for any more action?”
    “Feeling left out?” Edgard asked.
    “Don’t pout. It ain’t my fault you didn’t join in earlier,” Trevor shot back.
    Great. Colby was acting like a pussy-whipped greenhorn who couldn’t think beyond getting in Channing’s pants. No way in hell would he admit that weakness to his traveling partners. Instead, he returned Channing to her side of the truck.
    “Sorry. Yeah, we got carried away. You sure you don’t want me to drive? Because I’m thinkin’ me and Channing back here together, even with all our clothes on, is a bad idea.”
    She snickered.
    Trevor gunned the engine. “Hang on, it’s gonna be a tight turn to get out of here.”
    Automatically, Colby and Edgard reached up for the handles hanging from the ceiling as Trevor whipped the big rig around.
    Channing smoothed her hands down the outside of her thighs, then busied herself with compacting the trash. She leaned over the front seat. “You guys have any junk up there that needs to be tossed out? It’s all picked up back here.”
    Edgard glared at Colby. “You were making her clean up?”
    “Hell, no! I didn’t make her do nothin’. Must be a woman thing, it was something she did on her own.”
    “Well, someone has to do it,” she retorted.
    “ Obrigada ,” Edgard said. “I promise we’ll try a little harder to keep it tidy now that you’re bunking with us, right?”
    “Sounds good to me,” Trevor said.
    Channing set her chin on her forearms, which were resting along the back edge of the front seat. “How are the sleeping arrangements going to work? There’s hardly enough room in the horse trailer for two people, let alone four.”
    Trevor signaled and pulled onto the freeway. “We don’t all stay in the trailer. We rent a motel room. It’s easier to shower that way. Two of us stay in the room, and one of us sleeps out here. We rotate, so someone is always keeping an eye on the horses.”
    “Someone meaning me usually sleepin’ with the damn horses,” Colby grumbled.
    “Besides, sometimes we need privacy. A break from each other,” Edgard said.
    Trevor shot Edgard a strange look.
    Channing glanced at Colby over her shoulder. He shrugged at her puzzled expression. She’d learn to deal with the two of them sniping at each other, or she wouldn’t. He preferred to stay out of it.
    “Like I told Colby, I can’t eat fast food all the time. I don’t mind cooking if I’ve got the right supplies.”
    “And like I told you, we don’t expect you to cook and clean for us, darlin’,” Colby said testily.
    “Especially if you’re gonna make us eat vegetables.” Trevor shuddered. “Give me jerky and chili dogs over any of that green shit any day.”
    Edgard nodded. “Don’t forget the Mexican delights of Taco Bell.”
    “Or meat and potatoes,” Colby added.
    Channing rolled her eyes. She dug in her satchel and pulled out her portable CD player. Once she’d settled the headphones over her ears, she balled up her fleece-lined jacket to use for a pillow, rammed it in the corner, and closed her eyes.
    Instead of gawking at Channing, looking far too tempting even in sleep, Colby dry-washed his face and stared out the window at the landscape, a flat blandness spreading as far as the eye could see. The dirt in Oklahoma was an odd shade of pinkish orange and the horizon never changed from a washed-out, dirty gray.
    He missed the brilliant blue Wyoming sky. The rolling hills and valleys dotted with clusters of cedar and sagebrush. Herds of antelope running free among the wide-open spaces.
    Out of the corner of his eye he saw Channing shifting to get comfortable. She might look little, sweet and innocent, but the woman definitely knew her own mind and didn’t hesitate to speak it.
    Colby tapped Edgard on the shoulder. “Wake me up when we gas up.” He leaned his shoulders against the seat, tugged his battered Resistol over his eyes and drifted off to the familiar sound of the wheels

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