Running With Argentine

Running With Argentine by William Lee Gordon Page A

Book: Running With Argentine by William Lee Gordon Read Free Book Online
Authors: William Lee Gordon
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for his answer.


Can I Buy You
A Drink?
A Bar On Praxis III
    The three of
them walked into the dimly lit tavern and paused just inside the door to let
their eyes adjust.
    Argentine used the moment to reflect upon their decisions,
hoping they’d made the right choices.
    Before they’d left the ship he’d had a conversation with
    “Look, I’d take you with us but somebody has to stay behind with
the ship.”
    “Sure, if you say so. But there’s not much here to guard,”
Rory responded.
    “Let’s hope it stays that way,” said Argentine. “But I’m
going to have Lieutenant Stark walk you through how the ship’s weapons work
just in case. Eh, have you ever worked a ship’s weapons before?”
    “No, but it’ll be a piece of cake. We’re in orbit and
everything is going to be moving relatively slowly and besides, I’ve never met
a ship’s system that didn’t like me.”
    “Well I’m not sure the weapons are going to feel one way or
another about you Rory, but you need to be ready to use them just in case. If
somebody does try to board the ship your best chance, maybe your only chance to
stop them, is before they dock.”
    “Okay, but they do.”
    “Who does what?”
    “The weapons, First. They definitely have feelings. All the
ship’s systems talk to me. You’ll see.”
    Deciding not to dig into that any further Argentine went
ahead and discussed other contingencies and protocols with him. He couldn’t say
that he was totally confident leaving Rory alone and in charge, but what choice
did he have?
    They didn’t dare bring Sami into the bar with them so they’d
left her behind the locked hatches of the shuttle at the spaceport.
    The first stop had been a local bank to convert some metals
into the local currency. They’d gotten in just before the bank had closed its
doors for the day.
    Now Argentine, the chief, and the lieutenant were going to
check out Marley.
    They walked into the dark room, let their eyes adjust, and
made their way to the bar.
    “I’m here to meet someone called Marley,” said Argentine to
the bartender.
    With a frown the barkeep said, “Turn around.”
    When he did he realized that four men had walked up behind
them. They were all rugged looking and one of them stunk – not that this is
what commanded his attention…
    Another of them was as huge as a mountain. Half of his face
and a good part of his neck were covered in scars, but he was actually the best
dressed among the four. His jacket looked like it’d once been part of some kind
of uniform.
    Marley was, naturally, the smallest man in the group.
    “Which one of you is the astrogator?” he demanded.
    “None of us,” said the lieutenant. “Do you really think
would be stupid enough to bring him in here?”
    Marley shifted his gaze to him.
    “What are you trying to pull? That was the deal. You were to
bring the money and your astrogator. Do you even have any money?”
    “We need to know that you can put us in touch with an actual
astrogator before anything happens,” Argentine spoke up. “And so far, you’re
not giving me a lot of confidence.”
    “It’s just as I thought boys,” Marley said. “These guys are
full of shit and this is a waste of time.”
    Marley pushed past them and walked to the door with his men
close behind.
    Once they’d left Argentine turned around and ordered three
of whatever the house normally served. The bartender poured them three shots
and he asked him…
    “So where will they jump us?”
    The barkeep held his gaze until Argentine pulled out some
credits and set them on the bar.
    “There are several possibilities but I’d guess they’ll be at
the first alley you pass on the left.”
    “Much appreciated. I won’t let your friends know that you
tipped us off.”
    “Friends? They’re no friends of

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