Sacred Flesh
out there,” Jim says.
    “Then what could it be Mr. Dunbar, why are they following you around? Why else would Rome send me to America to find you and speak with you? Why else would all this be going on if something of this magnitude were not indeed occurring. You’re in danger Mr. Dunbar, dealing with the Elite is hazardous to your health but I can help you. We can help you.”
    “Who’s we?” Jim asks.
    “The Church. Join us, work for us and we’ll save you from the Elite . We’ll save you.”


    “Oh boy, they found a new chancellor,” Jim says having returned from the restaurant and settled into an afternoon of grazing out his office window.
    “I know. I could really care less. In fact I’m considering early retirement,” Glenn says, sitting in the chair across from Jim’s desk, enjoying a moment of leisure during the middle of the afternoon.
    “Really?” Jim thinks it over. “That may be an attractive option. I’ve about had it with this place. The awards and grants keep going to new and younger guys all the time. I know they’re never going to recognize my work. They just don’t care about it. Do you know how difficult it is to work so hard and have no one care?” Jim says turning to address his friend.
    “Is that a new watch?” Glenn says pointing to Jim’s wrist.
    “This? Yeah I just got it,” Jim looks at the gold timepiece. “Maybe it’s time to get out of here.”
    “You seem a little stressed lately Jim.”
    “It’s not the grant or the crap from the university. I’ve been moonlighting you might say and it may be more than I counted on.”
    “How so?” Glenn asks.
    “Well, just between you and me Glenn, I may have gotten myself in over my head. I agreed to do some DNA testing for this company, a private group. But I’ve found out they may not be who they say they are. They may be quite criminal in nature, it’s all covert. I’m paid in cash, never meet with the contact in the same location twice.”
    “Really?” Glenn attempts surprise and concern.
    “Yeah, I even wonder if they’re not following me sometimes,” Jim says.
    “Why do you think that?”
    “Strange occurrences, it’s spooky in a way, maybe I’m just paranoid you know looking in the mirror, over my shoulders. I just get the feeling sometimes like I’m being watched,” Jim says while getting up out of his chair and beginning to pace the floor of his office.
    “Hum, maybe you need some time off,” Glenn offers.
    “It is summer Glenn, I’m not teaching until August,” he sits back down behind his desk.
    “How much more work do you have with these guys?”
    “Not much, not much at all. Just a couple more tests to run then I’m done. I’m almost afraid if I tell them I want out they’ll do something. I don’t want to end up in a ditch somewhere and I’m not real thrilled with the idea that I may end up in prison because of these guys,” Jim says.
    “You know if I were you I would just do the rest of the testing as quickly as possible and then take the money and run. It’s too late to wash your hands with them so you might as well finish the job. Just get it over and be done with them. Then you can relax and enjoy the money,” Glenn says.
    “You make it sound so easy. But I guess I don’t really have that many options. Maybe the sooner I’m done with these guys the better,” Jim says while lending back in his chair.
    “Well, friend I have to get going,” Glenn announces and walks toward the door. “I’ll call you later.”
    “Okay,” Jim says as Glenn leaves. For the next few minutes Jim quietly plays over events in his mind. Regret begins to settle in. This was a big mistake he keeps telling himself. His thoughts are suddenly broken by the sound of a knock at the door.
    “Who is it?” he asks.
    “It’s me, Joey. You busy Jim?” he says while peering in through the door.
    “No, come on in,” Jim says.
    Joey, as usual, dressed in a simple dark suit and tie walks

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