Sacred Flesh
over and sits down in the chair by Jim’s desk where Glenn was just sitting moments ago.
    ”These guys are clean Jim.” He announces. “I didn’t find anything on them. I don’t think you got anything to worry about, nothing that I can see anyway.”
    “You’re kidding right? What do you mean there’s nothing wrong. Are you sure we’re talking about the same people?”
    “I checked them out Jim. I don’t see any red flags,” Joey says shrugging his wide shoulders.
    “I found a freakin microchip in the last envelop they gave me. I’m sure it’s a tracking device. What do you mean you don’t see any red flags!”
    “You can’t jump to conclusions. I’m just reporting to you what I found and it wasn’t much of anything. I don’t know exactly how they got a hold of old foreskins, but otherwise I believe they are who they say they are. I don’t see a grand case of misrepresentation here. You asked me to look and that’s what I found,” Joey says.
    “Well, if they are who they say they are then why is the Vatican involved? Some joker tracked me down yesterday and gave me this whole line about these guys and the church. The whole thing goes back hundreds years or something.”
    “Sounds like bull,” Joey says.
    “Yeah, that’s what I thought too, at least at first anyway but now I don’t know,” Jim says.
    “You got his name, anything else on him? I can follow him around for a few days see what his story really is.”
    “I’m not that concerned about him. I’m just surprised you don’t see anything to worry about.”
    “I think you’re stressed out Jim. You should take some time off. You still have that cabin up on the lake?” He asks.
    Jim looks squarely at him, “You’re not the first person who’s said that.”
    “Just a thought.” Joey stands up. “I got to be going Jim. I’ll call you tomorrow okay?”
    Joey walks out into the hallway of Jim’s office, turning he continues down to the twin set of elevators, pushing the round white down button he reaches in his jacket pocket for his cell phone. Quickly, he punches in some numbers and places it next to his ear as the elevator dings and the doors swing open. He hurriedly shuffles into the empty elevator as the doors close. “Okay, I told him. I’m not sure he brought it, but I told him.”


    “I’ve told you everything I know. They recruited me. I’m not a member of the Elite I just work for them. You have to be born an Elite , no one becomes one. It’s a bloodline,” she says while sitting at the table in the exam room speaking with the man in the suit with a badge who called her and asked if she could come downtown and answer a few questions, she told him sure why not she didn’t have any major plans for the day.
    “How did you come to know Jim Dunbar?” he asks sitting across from her, holding a pen next to a yellow legal pad.
    “They told me he was going to be very important to them. He was going to do some important work and they needed to be absolutely sure about him, needed to know everything they could about him.”
    “That was your job?”
    “Oh yeah, they got me enrolled in his micro biology class. “
    “As an undergrad? “
    “Yeah, an intro class last year I sat in the front row and wore very short skirts. I used to do some modeling. I caught his eye. It wasn’t difficult,” she says breaking into a slight smile.
    “Fell right into your trap?”
    “Sort of, though it did take a little legwork. I could tell he wasn’t happy.”
    “I just have the ability to read people. In class he was just going through the motions that was oblivious to anyone I think. I had to know more, get closer so I started going to office hours. At first it was just talking about class stuff, microbiology which I really likes but that’s about it. He was helpful but I could tell there was more to him. I could tell there was a part of him that felt very alone in the world. So I

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