Sacred Flesh
circumcision of the baby Christ.”
    “In the Middle Ages several churches claimed to have the foreskin. It wasn’t an unusual practice for these churches to lay claim to such relics. You see relics brought visitors, pilgrims, which meant money. Many churches claimed to process such holy articles; wood from the cross, a lock of Mary’s hair, anything that got people through the door, sort of a marketing device really,” he explains.
    “But there couldn’t have been several foreskins from one baby,” Jim says.
    “No, there couldn’t have been and there in lies the grand question, which if any of them are authentic?”
    “This is what the Elite wants to know?” Jim asks.
    “Yes, but they’re not the only ones. Rome would like to know too. They never paid much attention to them until technology advanced to the point that DNA testing could be performed to recover the old decaying stains,” he says.
    “What are they looking for?”
    “Mr. Dunbar, if you knew you had a flesh sample from the body of Christ from when he lived on Earth and you performed DNA testing on it what exactly would you expect to find: a normal double helix like you and I have or something else, something very different? You see Mr. Dunbar, Christ came into the world via the virgin birth. Joseph and Mary didn’t have sex to conceive him therefore he can’t have Joseph’s DNA so whose does he have? Where did he receive the Y chromosome from? If not from Joseph, from the Father Himself?” he says.
    “How could that be?” Jim asks
    “We don’t know. That is what we wish to discern, that is what the Elite wishes to discover so badly that they have stolen the three known samples, stolen from the Church itself.”
    “Yes, and in fact killed for them. They are ruthless thieves and liars Mr. Dunbar. For it is not so much the testing results they wish but beyond that we believe they plan to artificially impregnate a woman with the DNA who will bring the baby to term. The Elite will then raise the child under their protection,” he says.
    “Sounds pretty far out there,” Jim says.
    “It is. But it’s true. This stuff is happening. Once they have the child they will wield great power over Rome. They seek revenge and if they are successful in raising the child they will certainly get it for by that time there will be nothing we could do but give into their demands.”
    “Why do they want this revenge?” Jim asks.
    “As I understand it they developed as a fringe religious sect centuries ago. They aligned themselves with Rome but were never officially recognized as legitimate. There was a break in relations so much so that they decided to immigrate to America in the 19th century.”
    “What kind of doctrine?”
    “Well, I’m not an expert but from what I understand the Elite believe that there are two main spheres in the world: that of the spirit and that of the animal. They believe that humans are caught in the middle. Following the path of God allows one to be released from the animal hold: the earthly desires that plague the human race. Otherwise, one is doomed to live a lowly animal like existence. Well, as you can see this doesn’t jive with the teachings of the church.”
    “I never heard of the Elite ,” Jim says.
    “No, you wouldn’t have. They were rejected by the communities where they settled. Forced underground they set up a rather extensive network. It’s all very bizarre and complicated but they have flourished and survived for many years waiting and plotting for their chance at revenge and now I’m afraid they are nearing it,” he says.
    “I don’t know if I believe everything you say. But it’s true they are a very strange and secretive organization. At first I welcomed doing business with them but now I must admit I’ve grown a little uncomfortable with the whole deal. However, I find it difficult to believe I’m performing DNA tests on the foreskin of Christ, that’s just too way

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