Santa Baby

Santa Baby by Katie Price Page B

Book: Santa Baby by Katie Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Price
Tags: Fiction, General
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the other diners seemed to have heard.
    ‘Yes, that Angel Summer, is there another one?’ Tiffany couldn’t help sounding sarcastic. And suddenly she realised that she didn’t want to go back to Billy’s flat and end up in bed with him, just because it was so easy. She wanted more than that, and every time they slept together it always gave Billy the idea that she wanted to get back with him. But, much as she liked him, he was not for her. She should really let him go. He would soon be snapped up by another woman. He was cute and kind. It wasn’t his fault that she found him a little dull and a bit safe.
    Tiffany’s gaze was once more drawn to the brown-eyed man and this time he met her gaze and held it just a little bit longer than was polite. Wow! He was gorgeous. Tiffany was the first to look away.
    ‘Tiff, that is awesome news! If you really are her sister, please can you introduce me to Cal Bailey? I’ll do whatever you want. Please .’ Billy reached out for her hand.
    He was sweet and for an instant, as his warm hand closed over hers, she was tempted to rethink her decision not to go back to his flat. Then the good-looking stranger walked past and Tiffany found herself withdrawing her hand.
    ‘ If I get to meet her, then sure.’
    ‘D’you know what?’ Billy was studying her face. ‘I think I can see a resemblance now, I know that Bryan’– he named one of his flatmates – ‘is always saying how much like Angel you look, and I could never see it before but I can now. It’s your eyes.’
    ‘Yeah, yeah, and now you’re going to say, pity I don’t have Angel’s other assets?’
    Billy grinned. ‘I would never say that, you’ve got great tits.’
    Tiffany stood up. Time to call a halt to this conversation. ‘I’m going to the Ladies. Can you ask for the bill?’
    Just as she had turned down the narrow corridor, the brown-eyed man came out of the Gents. Tiffany stood to one side to let him pass, and as he walked by he looked at her again. ‘Thanks,’ he said in a Geordie accent.
    Instantly Tiffany remembered where she had seen him before. He was the bouncer who had been working at the club the night she had met Gavin. She cringed inside at the memory of him thinking she was that wanker’s girlfriend. She dashed into the Ladies, head down, determined to leave the restaurant as quickly as possible. She had thought he was giving her the eye, but instead, she realised, he must have been looking at her because he remembered her from that night. Take the shame!
    By the time she returned to her table, the man had gone and Billy was keying in his pin number.
    ‘Billy, I was going to pay half!’ Tiffany protested. Usually they split the bill as neither of them had any money.
    ‘You can treat me to a slap-up meal in some celebrity restaurant, once you’ve hooked up with Big Sis.’
    ‘Yeah, sure,’ Tiffany muttered. Now she was going to feel even worse about telling Billy that she wasn’t going back to his place.
    Outside it had started raining. Billy reached for her hand, all set to walk with her to where his car was parked. It was now or never.
    ‘Actually, Billy, I’m going to get the bus home. I think it’s best if we don’t see each other like this any more. It’s stopping us from meeting anyone else.’ Tiffany bit her lip and pulled her biker jacket closer together, to try and keep warm. She felt terrible for saying it. A look of hurt flashed into Billy’s eyes.
    ‘But I was going to suggest we gave it another go. Come on, Tiff – we get on so well together. We know each other so well. Everyone says what a great couple we make.’
    Oh, God! What was she supposed to say to that? ‘I just see you as a friend now, Billy, a really good friend.’
    ‘A friend who’s been having sex with me on and off for the past six months,’ he muttered.
    ‘Yeah, but I thought we were both taking it casually.’
    ‘Well, I wasn’t. I kept thinking that you would come back to me. Can’t you see

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