Santa Baby

Santa Baby by Katie Price

Book: Santa Baby by Katie Price Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katie Price
Tags: Fiction, General
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love heart.’
    And much later that night, she managed to give Cal a very pleasant surprise. But one which she probably wouldn’t repeat as they woke up to find the bed covered in tiny crystals … and with Honey wanting to know what they were doing there.

Chapter 7
    TIFFANY SIGHED AND looked at the clock. Another two long hours to go before she finished work. She was bored out of her mind but couldn’t show it. She had managed to get a temporary job at Kara’s dad’s gym, Fit2Go. As soon as Douglas heard that she was looking for a job, he had offered her the receptionist’s position. It was very nice of him and Tiffany was grateful, but very, very bored. She had only agreed to take on the temporary job when Kara had found out that the loathsome Gavin had frozen his membership, as she had zero wish ever to see him again. She spent her days giving the clientele marks out of ten for their sense of style, and surreptitiously flicking through Vogue for styling ideas while hoping that Kara – who managed the gym – would come out of the office and talk to her.
    ‘Good evening, how are you?’ Tiffany called out breezily to a forty-something woman, with an enviably toned body, whom she privately called Iron Woman. Mind you, thought Tiffany, her body damn’ well should be toned, given the hours and hours the woman spent at the gym. It was one of the rules of the job that she had to say hello to everyone, and goodbye. And smile. Tiffany was fed up of smiling, especially at some of the lads who seemed to think she was giving them the come-on. She wished that instead of her nametag she could wear a badge saying: ‘ No, I’m not flirting with you, it’s called customer service .’ And then there was Billy, her ex. This was his gym and he had taken Tiffany’s new job there as a sign that she must still be interested in him and had stepped up his campaign to ask her out again. Every evening around six-thirty he would pitch up and lean on the front desk, and if he wasn’t trying to talk to her, he would be looking at her longingly. What to do about Billy?
    And on top of the mind-numbingly boring job, she had yet to hear from Angel. Every time her mobile rang or beeped with a text message, Tiffany hoped it might be from her. She tried to be rational and tell herself that it didn’t matter whether Angel got in touch with her or not, that she had been perfectly happy before she knew Angel might be her half-sister, but she couldn’t help feeling rejected. Maybe the famous celebrity Angel Summer didn’t think Tiffany Taylor was an important enough person to be related to her …
    She’d thought she was OK with this, but on this particular Friday afternoon, a full two weeks after she had tried to make contact with Angel, it had got to her.
    ‘Hiya, Tiff.’
    She looked up from the computer screen and there was Billy, looking at her expectantly. ‘Got any plans for tonight?’
    She shook her head. ‘I’ll probably have a drink with Kara.’
    ‘Kara and Harley are going to the cinema tonight … so I suppose you could tag along, like a saddo gooseberry, or you could come out for dinner with me? We could go to your favourite Indian.’
    Billy didn’t give up. Tiffany considered him. He was looking especially cute in low-hanging jeans, showing off the top of his boxers, and a tee-shirt that revealed his muscular body, and she really didn’t feel like being on her own tonight. Maybe she could have dinner with him. And all right it wasn’t Nobu or Zuma or The Ivy or any of the other top restaurants Angel would go to, but the Indian he meant along Kentish Town Road was fab.
    ‘So long as you don’t think I’m going to have sex with you,’ she told him bluntly, thinking back to the last time they’d met up for dinner about a month ago, which had ended up with them going to bed together. They had reached the stage in their relationship where they could say pretty much anything to each other.
    A young lad was going through

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