Scent of a White Rose
would then spread through his veins, effectively
paralyzing him as it hardened his body, eventually reaching his
    While the heart of a vampire no longer "beat,"
it was still the main energy source for their afterlife. Once the
poison reached the heart, it hardened and withered, and then they
simply turned to dust. No mess, no fuss...just dust.
    As I approached, I could feel the tension drain
from his body. He knew that this was the end. I gently placed my
hands on his shoulders and guided us both down onto our knees. I
looked into his eyes and then kissed him once on the cheek.
    As I extended my fangs and lowered my head to
his neck, I couldn't stop the tear that ran down my cheek and
landed on Terrance's shoulder. He tensed as the evidence of my
emotions ran down his arm. I felt a slight shudder move through
him. Finally. When faced with the end of his existence, he
started to show some emotion...and that's when I struck.

* * * * *
    After I dragged out my goodbye with Christian
for as long as possible, Jillian and I climbed into her car and
headed for home. "Did you end up having any fun tonight?"
Jillian asked.
    Not really. But I didn't want to tell her
that; she'd think it was all her fault. "Sure, it was fun being
able to hangout inside for once, and spending time with Christian
is always great." I tried to sound convincing. It didn't work.
    "Then what were you guys fighting about
earlier?" She looked at me with that don't bullshit me look
on her face, that only a best friend could pull off.
    "He wasn't thrilled when I announced that I'd be
moving out soon." My voice had gone flat. I understood that he
worried so much because he loved me, but it was imperative that I
got out of Dad's house as soon as possible. With everything that
had happened–I just couldn't handle being there anymore.
    "You'd think he'd be psyched that you're getting
your own place. I mean, it's total freedom and you guys would get
to see each other all the time. What's his problem?" See, this
is why I loved my best friend. She got me.
    "That's exactly what I was thinking, but when I
told him and Evangeline, he just freaked and said that he didn't
like the idea of me being out on my own." It still chapped my ass
when I thought of him treating me like a kid. "But I know that once
I have my place, he'll chill out and realize just how brilliant it
is. We'll be together all the time. Together forever."
    Jillian remained quiet for the stretch of a few
miles. "I was hoping that we would be able to get a place together,
but it sounds like you're setting up house for just you and
Christian." Her voice was quiet and rang with disappointment.
    "Oh! Well, I guess I hadn't thought much about a
roommate. And you don't graduate college for another year and a
half." Jill hadn't taken the AP courses like I had, so even though
she was older than me, she was only in the middle of her junior
year. "Plus, I thought your plan was to keep mooching off your
parents for as long as possible," I joked.
    "My parents aren't as strict as your dad, and
I'm already twenty-one. If I want to move out I'm sure they will
keep paying for college and everything as longs as I keep my grades
up." She was certainly defending her case well, but with what I had
planned for my future...I really couldn't have a roommate.
    "I don't know Jill. Won't it be weird to be
there while Christian and I are together?" I usually didn't mind
talking to her about this kind of stuff. I mean we talked about sex
all the time, but when it came to this, I really just wish she'd
drop it.
    "Um, haven't you ever heard of setting rules and
using code? A tie on the doorknob, switching off days of the week,
a certain colored hall light? Or, we could always just look for a
place that had a great layout where the bedrooms were far apart.
I'll be having Justin over too ya know!" Wow...she was really
picturing this happening.
    Snagging the opportunity to change the subject

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