Scent of a White Rose
was starting
to hear people's thoughts that meant that he was developing powers.
That was first sign of a vampire being triggered to become a Sire.
I realized that I had overacted, but the thought of Christian
becoming a Sire had jolted me. I just wish that I would have had
time to explain that I was ecstatic at the development–not
    Could it really be Christian who was in line to
become Sire? My god, how amazing would that be? But oh, how I would
miss him when it was time for him to leave us.
    All new Sires were expected to leave their
current clan in order to start a clan of their own. I would retain
my powers and control over my clan, but I would lose someone that I
loved very much. I couldn't think about that right now.
    As I made the trek into the pit, I kept going
over what I had glimpsed in Rose's head. I'd seen images of
Dominique and Tori helping her at the bar, of Dax and Christian
entering the private room together, and of myself sitting in my
office. But then I had seen the image of Terrance. It had been just
a quick flash that gave me no way to pinpoint the specifics and
that was what really bothered me.
    As I rounded the corner, I heard Terrance
rattling his chains. I shouldn't have been surprised that he didn't
like the idea of being alone with me. I may not look imposing or
frightening to the naked eye, but since I was the one who decided
if they lived or died, my clan couldn't help but fear me. Luckily I
had never been forced to kill anyone in my clan...yet.
    I approached the cell which had no door, but
instead a large square opening that lead into the room. The walls
were composed of gray cinderblocks and had several sets of chains
mounted to them as well as to the ceiling and the floor. I realized
that this was the first time I had ever had to use them. It made me
sad. "Terrance. How are we feeling tonight?" His eyes were locked
on mine, radiating hatred. This wasn't a look I saw very often.
After all, we were family, and there was very rarely a reason for
discord among us.
    "What do you want Evie?" Terrance's tone was
laced with contempt, "You already had Dax scan me, remember?"
    "Yes, I remember. And I know that you're hiding
something. But I'm not here to talk about the girl in the woods.
What I want to know about is Rose." I had hoped the abruptness of
my question would shock him into revealing something right away,
but no such luck. It wasn't like I was an expert interrogator. So
instead of catching a glimpse of any new information, I only picked
up on our current conversation that was running through his
    "Rose, who?"
    "Rose Reynolds, Christian's girlfriend."
    "Oh. The curvy blonde he's been dying to take a
bite out of for months?" His tone was harsh and sarcastic.
    "Christian loves her. He knows he can't feed
from the one he loves without giving himself and his secret away.
Do you love anything anymore Terrance?" I asked.
    "Look at me Evie. I think you know the answer to
that question." He was referring to his now permanently darkened
appearance. It was obvious that he no longer felt love for anything
and wasn't going to drift back. He was forcing me to inflict the
true death on him. It's almost like he was asking me for it.
    "Are you ready? Or would you like to see Dax one
last time?" I couldn't help the quiver in my voice. I knew I had no
choice, but Terrance was like a son to Dax. Back when I had turned
Terrance, Dax had made it a point to watch over his wife and
children, ensuring they were safe and well taken care of before we
moved on. That had sealed their friendship for centuries.
    "No. What's the point? Just do it." Terrance
went slack and lowered his head.
    The true death wasn't as horrific as it had been
portrayed on TV or in any of the books people had read. In reality,
it was quite simple. All I had to do was sink my fangs into
Terrance's neck and program my sedative to carry the poison of true
death into his system. Another power that resided only with the
Sire. The poison

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