Scent of a White Rose
said, "Tell me more about Justin. I can't believe you guys met at a
yoga class. That's just so...strange."
    "Why is it strange? I found the class when I was
walking home one night after a volleyball game with Penny. We
thought it looked fun, so we stopped in to grab a brochure, and as
we were coming back out we ran into Justin."
    "So he doesn't actually take the class? He just
lurks outside of it?" This just kept getting better and better.
    "What is your problem with Justin? Is it because
I didn't tell you that I'd met someone new?" She was getting
defensive. "Like I said, we met about four months ago, but we've
only gone out a few times. I guess I just didn't want to say
anything until I knew how I really felt about him. And, honestly,
before tonight we hadn't even made out." Her cheeks were red and
she was breathing in small, tight huffs.
    "And so, after one makeout session, you're ready
to invite him into your house and make it more official?"
    "Yeah. Actually I am." The look she gave me
dared me to say anything else.
    We rode the rest of the way home in silence.

* * * * *
    After we had all fed and finished closing the
club for the night, we started to make our way down to the pit. Dax
and I told everyone what had happened with Justin and Jillian.
Their laughter and jokes weren't helping my mood.
    All my vampire brothers and sisters thought it
was hilarious that after 602 years I went and fell in love with a
human. So, anything that made my situation with Rose more difficult
was like the punch line of a joke to them: totally hysterical.
    They continued to tease me and laugh as we made
our way to the bottom of the stairs. The circular enclosure that
acted as the top of our pit and the dance floor to the club settled
in place with its customary boom. And that's when we all heard
Terrance scream.
    Dax glanced in my direction with a panicked look
on his face. He took off in the direction of the scream and we all
rushed to follow.
    With our preternatural vampire speed, we all
filled the opening outside the cell within seconds. Once there, we
shared a collective sigh.
    Evie wasn't delivering the true death to
Terrance, but was instead looming over him with both of her hands
clasped on either side of his face. He screamed again, just as Evie
whipped back her head of jet black hair.
    I'd never seen anything like this. I had thought
she was "making him sing," but he wasn't "singing." No words broke
his lips. Only screams.
    Right as I saw Dax move forward, preparing to
enter the cell, Evie let Terrance go. He hit the ground like a
drunk who'd finally reached his limit. Dax caught Evie just as she
started to do the same.
    Her hair immediately drifted back to its medium
brown. She held his eyes for a moment and whispered, "There's a
woman." Then she collapsed in his arms.
    Dominique was the first to move. She helped Dax
gather Evie then followed him to their room. Bobby, Tori, and I
slowly made our way forward and could do nothing more than stare at
Terrance lying on the floor, still in chains.
    "So–who the fuck is this woman?" Tori's question
broke the silence. It was laced with a bit of venom, as she and
Terrance had been known to mess around occasionally.
    "I don't know," I said.
    "Well, I guess we're gonna have to wait until
tomorrow to find out. The sun's almost up and I'm barely going to
make it to my room as it is." Bobby waved us off as he headed down
the hall.
    We were your typical vampires. When the sun
rose, we'd fall. Literally.
    Even though the sun didn't burn us, once it rose
we were rendered comatose and wouldn't rise again until it set.
    Imagine if we got caught in a park or were
walking along a road when the sun started to'd find tons
of dead people lying all over the place until they magically got up once the sun went down. How the fuck would
someone explain that?
    So, for the protection of our species, all clans
had secured lairs like our pit. And, like

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