Sea Wolf Magick (Highlander Magick Series Book 2)

Sea Wolf Magick (Highlander Magick Series Book 2) by Patty Taylor

Book: Sea Wolf Magick (Highlander Magick Series Book 2) by Patty Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patty Taylor
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beneath her fingertips, she raised a finger to touch the unique creature.
    Something pounded against the cabin door. Beth gasped and jerked her hand back. Kalista opened the thick film covering her eyes and raised her head. She stared into Beth’s eyes and cocked her head from side to side. The rapping grew louder. Kalista rose, releasing a shrill cry like a hawk, spreading her wings and gliding toward her bowl.
    “Just a minute, please.” Beth called out, sitting up and pulling the cover beneath her neck, as she spotted the doorknob turning. “All right, you may come in now.”
    Old McGregor hobbled inside, juggling a tray in one hand and balancing his wooden cane in the other while muttering beneath his breath. The boat rocked. Steaming liquid spilled over the sides of the tin mugs, sliding across the tray.
    “Bloody Hell, I’ll never get used to these blasted storms.” He cursed until his gaze met hers, then he smiled.
    Clad only in the extra-large nightshirt, Beth jumped down from the bunk. Her bare feet tiptoeing across the cold wooden planks, she reached for the tray. “Here, let me help you.”
    She laid the wobbling platter down and grabbed for the chair that started sliding across the floor. She clutched the table. “I’m afraid I’m not used to being at sea. This is my first time on a boat.”
    McGregor grabbed her arm and held the chair until she sat down. Like riding a roller coaster, the ship climbed and plunged, riding the rough waves. Beth’s stomach lurched. Her fingers gripped the edge of the table. The wind howled like a banshee seeking souls.
    “The Sea Wolf ’s not a boat, lass—she’s a ship. And a fine one at that. Don’t ye worry none. Ye’ll find yer sea legs soon enough. Ye’re plenty safe as long as ye’re here on board, and Quinn is her Captin’.”
    Beth glanced back to the open door, half-expecting to see the handsome Highlander enter. “Quinn promised . . .” she hesitated. “The Captain said he would stop by later to clear up some questions I have.”
    “I wouldn’t be countin’ on seein’ the Captin’ no more tonight, lass. Not with this terrible storm.” McGregor picked up one of the biscuits, spread honey over it, and offered it to her. “He’s in his glory right now, mannin’ the wheel.”
    Beth shook her head and waved her hand in front of the biscuit. “No, thank you. You help yourself.”
    She sighed, disappointed she wouldn’t get a chance to see Quinn anymore tonight. She needed answers. Her body raged with overpowering emotions at the sight of him. She had to admit, he was not only handsome, but the man stirred something deep inside her she had no control over. Even if he did turn into a black wolf, she knew she’d have to trust him.
    McGregor grinned and shoved a honey-covered biscuit into his mouth. He handed her a tin of hot tea, which she gladly accepted. “Come mornin’, the sea should be calmed. Then ye can go on deck and meet some of the crew.”
    Beth stole a glance at her tattered clothes lying in a bundle next to the bunk. “It looks like I’ll need a needle and some thread.”
    “I’ll bring ye some a wee bit later. I still need to tend to yer arm.” He grabbed another sweet smelling muffin before motioning for her to give him her wrist. He turned her arm toward the light and began unwrapping the bandage. “Does it still pain ye verra much, lass?”
    “Not since Kalista sprayed me with that snowy mist.” Kalista turned her head at the mention of her name. “Does she breathe fire, too?”
    McGregor chuckled and shook his head. He tossed the last biscuit to Kalista. She made a clucking noise and swallowed it whole. “I’ve not seen the wee beasty do that yet, but I wouldna put it past her. She’s a magical creature with mysterious secrets of her own. Quinn is the only one that knows how to communicate with her.”
    Beth stared at her arm. The redness and swelling was gone. The raw bite now looked like a raised emblem tattooed on

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