Secrets of the Spiral Tower

Secrets of the Spiral Tower by Joe Woods

Book: Secrets of the Spiral Tower by Joe Woods Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joe Woods
Tags: Fiction, thriller, Suspense, Retail
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closest blood kin and you want to join in the operation of McKenzie Towing, which I wanted you to do thirty years ago …”
      “Now, Daddy, tell me about Devil’s Ridge.”
    “Devil’s Ridge? You bet. In my younger days, I spent a lot of time near Mason Creek’s waterfall. After playing around for a while, my pals and I would slide down the cliff at Devil’s Ridge to the highway below. We used to sit up there and watch the traffic on the river. I guess that is where I became so interested in the river towing business.”
    “What? You played on that cliff? I’m surprised you survived that without any broken bones.”
    “Didn’t break any bones, but had lots of cuts and bruises and torn clothes. Mama told me many times to stay away from that waterfall and cliff, but I didn’t mind very well.”
    “Willow, in all of our years apart, I missed telling you all of my boyhood stories. You remember J. C. Whitaker, don’t you?”
    “Yeah. He is the only person that lost his life on one of your barges.”
    “That’s him. He and I were big buddies, even though he was a black kid. You remember he had a deformed right leg?”
    “That deformity was the result of a rattlesnake bite. We had been playing on the spiral tower near Fort Hill and decided to go to the waterfall. Over the years, we had beaten a path through the weeds and underbrush down the steep hill to the waterfall. It was a hot summer day and as we ran down the path, a snake was stretched out across it. I couldn’t stop so I jumped over it and startled it. The snake coiled and as J.C. tried to jump over, the snake struck, hitting J.C. in the right calf.
    “As kids do, we panicked but managed to get J.C. back to the paved road by the tower. We flagged a park visitor, who took us to the Vicksburg Hospital. It had been about forty-five minutes since the snake struck J.C. and his leg was swollen nearly double in size. As you know, J.C. survived, but his calf was severely scared and crippled. That is what caused him to limp so badly. On the day he died, we were making up a tow and he somehow lost his balance. He fell overboard and drowned.”
    “I never heard that story,” Willow gasped. “I hope we don’t run into any rattlesnakes on Devil’s Ridge.”
    “Oh, they’re still around. They love lying on those rock outcroppings and ledges. Just remember to keep your feet in the sun’s rays and you’ll never step on one. You will find them in the shade, under low hanging limbs.”
    “That gives me the shivers. And Daddy, did you ever explore the caves when you were a boy?”
    “Oh, yes. There are many of them around those towers.” 
    “I want to hear more about the caves, but I must go now. I’ve got to catch up with Connor. I think he left embarrassed and a bit angry. I should not have kidded him about that ‘girl’ in San Antonio.”
    “Willow, remember that Connor is very close to me and I know he loves you a great deal,” Rupert said in his fatherly voice. “But you must realize that man doesn’t live by bread alone.”
    “Daddy, you know I’ve loved Connor all my life, so I’ve got to find him and make up,” Willow said with tears welling in her eyes. “I was just surprised to hear that story.”
    Willow leaned over and kissed Rupert on the cheek.
    “Daddy, I’ll see you soon. If it is okay with you, I’m going to use your car.”
    “That’s fine, Willow. Maybe the next time you come by, we can go for a ride.”
    “You bet. We’ll go wherever you want.”
    On her way out, Willow was thinking, this is foolish. Why should I be upset with Connor? As Daddy said, I’ve been absent for so many years and had a brief encounter with a male coworker myself. I should go to Connor’s office, apologize and talk him into going to San Antonio for a brief vacation.
    After getting her father’s car keys she had to ask someone to describe her father’s car in the garage. Pulling out of the parking lot and turning right on

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