Seduced by Two

Seduced by Two by Stephanie Julian Page A

Book: Seduced by Two by Stephanie Julian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Julian
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Fantasy
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with last night. Do you know who she is?”
    Teodoro crossed his arms over his chest, never taking his eyes off Jensen. “Never saw her before.”
    “But you did see me with a woman last night.”
    His eyes narrowing, Teodoro nodded. “Yeah, a redhe—”
    “No. Not a redhead.” Jensen shook his head. “The brunette.”
    Teodoro froze for a millisecond and if Jensen hadn’t been watching so closely, he never would’ve noticed it. But the guy definitely knew something about his mystery woman. “Didn’t notice the brunette. Sorry. Food’ll be out in a few minutes.”
    Then Teodoro moved down the bar and out onto the floor to take orders from a table along the wall.
    The guy lied straight to his face without a tell. Too bad for him that Jensen could read people. And Teodoro de Feo was lying.
    But why?
    * * * * *
    “Are you sure it’s him?”
    Teo’s snort sounded like a whip crack through the phone line. “Positive. It’s Jensen Miller. Introduced himself then started asking questions about the woman he was with last night. Good thing Sal called to warn us this morning or I would’ve spilled.
    “I had Rio do background checks. No records, neither of them have so much as a speeding ticket. Good business reputations, well respected in the community. Sounds like they had a pretty gods-awful childhood though. Dad was a mean drunk, apparently. Their mom killed him in self-defense when they were twelve. They saw it all.
    “Their mom wasn’t quite right after that and they took care of her until she died when they were nineteen. Put themselves through college and used the money their old man left to start their construction business.”
    Blessed Goddess, not fair. Just so not fair.
    She’d known when she met them that they were not just average guys out to have a good time and get laid. They’d lived through hell and become better men for it. Men she’d never see again.
    “Nica,” Teo said, “you want me to get rid of him?”
    Nica sighed, her chest tightening with fear. Not for herself though. For Jensen and Tanner.
    She must have screwed up the spell somehow. They remembered her.
    And if the man who’d come after her last night decided the Miller brothers knew something about her, he didn’t seem like the kind of guy who’d use a lot of restraint when it came to questioning eteri .
    Now what?
    “Nica? Still there?”
    “Yes, I’m still here. I just…don’t know what to do. Sal’s not back yet but I don’t like not telling the guys they might be in danger. If anything happens to them…”
    It would be her fault. Because she’d indulged herself when she had no business doing so.
    “Cam’s still trying to track the guy from last night.” Teo mentioned his older brother. Teo and his three brothers ran a supernatural security agency. As linchetto , night elves, they had special abilities that made their choice of profession a natural fit. “He’s not coming up with anything. Even though you weren’t able to identify him as Mal doesn’t mean he isn’t. Just stay put, Nica.”
    She hung up after saying goodbye but she couldn’t stay still. She paced, not able to sit and watch TV as she waited for either Sal or Cam de Feo to call.
    Waiting sucked. She felt like she’d been waiting all her life. Waiting for her mother to step down, waiting for her life to begin.
    She was really sick and tired of waiting.
    Her mother was always telling her how powerful she was, how she would be an asset to her people.
    Well, this asset was not about to let two innocent men be harmed because of her. She would go to them, get them to invite her back to their house. If the man from the other night attacked again, she’d be there to defend the brothers. Or at least try.
    And she’d get to spend another amazing night with the two men who’d rocked her world.
    Grabbing her purse, she headed for the door. She wouldn’t think about what she’d do if they didn’t ask her to go home with them. They

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