Seduced by Two

Seduced by Two by Stephanie Julian Page B

Book: Seduced by Two by Stephanie Julian Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephanie Julian
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica, Romance, Fantasy
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remembered enough about her to go back to the bar and ask for her. They must want to see her again.
    Her heart tripped over itself at the thought. And if she could keep them sufficiently occupied, maybe they’d ask her to stay until Monday.
    The man who’d attacked them had said he’d be in touch Monday. By then the de Feos should know who the guy was, what he wanted and who he was working for.
    She hoped.
    And before she left the Miller brothers, she’d wipe their memories again. She’d do it right this time.
    They’d be safe. And ignorant of the magic in the world.
    She’d have the rest of her life to regret leaving them. But hopefully she’d have wonderful memories to sustain her.
    * * * * *
    Tanner walked into the bar, ready for a beer and for Jensen to tell him he’d found the woman.
    He hadn’t been in touch with his brother because his cell phone had died. He’d forgotten to plug it in last night.
    Another anomaly. He never forgot to plug in his phone.
    He found his brother sitting at a table, finishing off a burger and fries. His stomach rumbled.
    Jensen looked up as he sat down. “Food’s good.”
    Okay, maybe he’d eat. But first, “What’d you find out?”
    Jensen swallowed, wiped his mouth with a napkin and settled back in his chair. His gaze slid to the bar for a brief second before he met Tanner’s gaze again.
    “We’re not crazy.”
    “She was here.”
    Tanner didn’t make it a question and his chest tightened with excitement. Which didn’t make a damn bit of sense. They still had so many unanswered questions.
    Yeah, but she’s real. And we can see her again.
    Jensen nodded as if he’d read his mind. “The bartender tried to bullshit me but he knew who I was talking about. I figure he already called to let her know we’re here.”
    Would she avoid them like the plague? And why the hell were both of their memories of last night more like dreams?
    Had she slipped them a drug? But why? It didn’t make any sense unless she hadn’t wanted them to remember her. Again, why?
    “So now what?”
    Sighing, Jensen shook his head. “Tell the bartender we think she’s in trouble but don’t know why? And that we don’t even know her name? Tell him we both had the same dream about her? Which of these don’t make us look like complete psychos?”
    “Do you think she drugged us?” Even as he said it aloud, Tanner knew it hadn’t been a drug. He knew what drugs did to the body. Their father had used them often enough on him and Jensen when they were kids that they both knew the effects.
    Jensen shook his head even as he said, “That’d seem to be the only rational explanation.”
    Maybe rational wasn’t going to cut it for this situation. “Maybe we need to look for irrational explanations.”
    “Then we need to get him to talk.”
    They both turned to look at the bartender, standing behind the bar, staring at them.
    He wasn’t glaring, wasn’t scowling. His expression showed absolutely nothing of his thoughts. Until his gaze shifted and his eyes narrowed. He set down the glass he’d just picked up and walked to the end of the bar.
    Tanner turned to look at the front door.
    And found himself staring straight into the eyes of their dream woman.
    * * * * *
    Jensen stood, almost knocking over the chair in his haste as he took several steps toward the door before stopping.
    Shit. He didn’t want to scare her by rushing at her like a crazed bull. He didn’t want her to run.
    Not that she looked scared. No, she looked…determined.
    She must have known they were here because she didn’t seem surprised to see them. He figured the bartender had called to warn her.
    And she’d still shown up. Did that mean she wanted to see them again?
    Was he nuts to be happy about that, considering he didn’t have a clue what had really happened last night?
    Hell, he didn’t even remember her name. But when he looked at her, heat burned low in his gut before flooding through his blood. He wanted her.

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