The Kingdom of the Nine; The Vampire Legacy IV
to whatever exotic location they want to go to.” I answered
trying to sound enthusiastic about the whole situation. Julian
nodded then stretched his arms above his head and let them
    “Sounds convenient.” He whispered. “How did
you meet him?”
    “Three years ago Connie, Beth and I decided
to go to a college party that Laura's boyfriend was holding and
Beth, being a party girl, got completely drunk and it was Robert
that drove us home.”
    “Three years, and you already have a child?”
I looked at him as he stared into the fire that was burning a few
feet away. It seemed that he caught every one of my flaws, and it
made him look at me when I sighed, loudly.
    “I'm not being judgmental, Cait, I was just
thinking.” He whispered. I shrugged.
    “I'm not proud of my stupidity, Julian.” I
answered and placed my hand on his shoulder. “I admit that I made a
mistake, but that mistake gave me one of my most valuable treasures
and I wouldn't trade Damien for anything in the world.” I watched
him nod, but he wouldn't look at me. “Anyway, after I found out
that I was pregnant, we ran off to Vermont and got married by a
Justice of the Peace in a quick ceremony. We've had our problems,
and we still do, but no matter what I feel at this moment, I can't
help but think about my son and how I promised that no matter what
he wouldn't be without his parents, even if that means my
    “So, you're unhappy?” Julian looked up at me,
took my hand off his shoulder and kissed it as he held it gently.
“Damien won't be without his father, Caitlyn. Robert seems
responsible enough, since he married you to give your son
    “That wasn't the point of getting married.” I
answered. “And,” I said, looking into his eyes, “I am happy.”
    “Okay.” He got up off the bed and walked over
to the mantel. “Does he know that you're down here? Did you tell
him that you were looking for me?”
    “No and no. I told him that I was going to my
grandmother's and that her phone had been disconnected and if I had
told him about you, he would have thought I had flipped my lid.” I
laughed and shook my head. “I wasn't sure if you really existed to
begin with, why would I want my husband to feel threatened by
something, or someone I wasn't even sure was there.”
    “But, I am here, so, now what are you going
to do?” He asked, looking over at me.
    “How about a shower?” I questioned. I watched
Julian's face light up and I could almost hear what he was
thinking. “Alone, Julian.”
    “Well, in that case, the bathroom is across
the hall and I'm going to bed.” He smiled and walked over to me,
where he planted a gentle kiss on my cheek, letting his lips linger
there just a bit too long, for I felt the heat that his body let
off and I began to long for it. “Goodnight, Caitlyn.” He whispered
in my ear, his breath warm against my skin, and then he backed away
and walked out the door.
    “Goodnight.” I whispered back, as the door
closed behind him.

    As I turned the water off, after letting it fill up
the tub, I sank down into the warm water that surrounded me and
closed my eyes. I thought about the conversation that I had just
finished with Julian about my husband and about the choices I had
made that got me to where I was now, an accomplished author with a
two year old son and a marriage that was based on the fact that I
was pregnant. It wasn't that I didn't love Robert, because I did,
but it was that feeling underneath the love, a resentful feeling,
not only for him being gone half the year on trips that gave him
access to beautiful women, and Robert was a very attractive man,
but also the fact that I knew he had recently confessed to having
an affair that made me think that nothing with Julian would be
    I sighed, as I opened my eyes and stared at the
ceiling. What was I thinking? I couldn't have an affair with
Julian, though the thought was quite enticing, because I had Damien
to think

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