Sex and Trouble

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Book: Sex and Trouble by Marilu Mann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marilu Mann
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father? Are you saying that Ros killed him?” Mari heard her voice rise into an almost squeak of shock.
    James just looked at her. “I cannot say that, Mari. I can only tell you that I am sure that the reason your father died is standing at the door to your house.”
    A quick glance showed Ros holding the front door open. She allowed a mental giggle to relieve her. He looked for all the world like a forbidding older brother trying to scare off an overzealous prom date. She’d seen that same expression on Marcus’ face more than once when her teenage boyfriends had brought her home. Looking back to James, Mari took a deep swallow.
    “If you give me that ring, Mari, it will make this easier.” His finger hooked the chain, pulling the object up into sight. “As I’ve said, it was supposed to be mine.”
    Scooting away from him, she levered the handle. The car door did not open. Calling up a carefree smile that she did not feel, Mari raised an eyebrow at James. For a moment she thought he might not let her out. Then the tension broke as he shrugged. Another flick of his finger and the door unlocked. He did not get out.

    Marilu Mann
    “You will forgive me if I do not walk you to your door. I have no desire to end as my parents did. Marielle, we will speak again about this. You must make a decision very soon.”
    As she opened the door, she cast one glance over her shoulder. His eyes were back to that midnight blue. Suddenly she needed desperately to get to the safety of the house. Only rock-solid control prevented her from sprinting to the steps. Her shoulders tensed. Part of her expected him to appear in front of her like a vampire from a horror show. The car didn’t start so she imagined LaPierre sat there watching her.
    When she reached the porch, Rosier stood back to allow her in. Brushing past him, Mari did not feel completely at ease until the door was closed and locked behind her.
    Holding one hand up, she shook her head as she took a few steps away from Ros.
    “Please. I am not in the mood for a lecture. I need a moment, okay?”
    His eyes flashed with that inner fire but he didn’t speak. Her muscles relaxed a bit when she heard the sound of an engine followed by wheels churning in the loose gravel drive. Finally, she felt safe again.
    A different type of tension grabbed her as she remembered just whom she had locked herself in with. The demon in her house moved toward her. This time her tension had less to do with fear and more to do with a tense warmth pooling between her legs. She needed to create some space between her libido and his body.

    Rosier watched through the window beside the door until LaPierre put his car in gear and drove away. He could feel the magick leaking all around Marielle and desperately wanted to rush her into the shower to wash away that witch’s touch. Only the look of slight desperation on her face stopped him. Instead, Ros reached out to touch her elbow. Mari glanced at him with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes as she moved herself out of his reach.
    “Well, that was fun… Not.” She started toward the stairs then stopped and faced him. “I still have a lot of questions.”

    Sex and Trouble
    “I’m sure you do.” Ros leaned back against the door, not moving toward or away from her, just watching her.
    “Will you answer them? Will you answer me honestly?”
    “Command, Marielle Greenlea. Give me a command and I must do as you say.” He hoped she’d ask the correct questions. Though he was constrained by Demonae law from offering any information about his dimension to those who meant harm to his world or people, he was compelled to tell her the truth if she so demanded because of the nature of the containment spell.
    Mirroring his stance, she leaned against the newel post of the staircase. “Okay. I command you to tell me why you used my full name just now. Ja—LaPierre did that too. I know myths talk about true names. Is that what that is?”
    Even though

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