second book and..."
    "How the hell
can I write a book with all this going on?"
    "You'll have
to. I'll make some tea, OK?"
    As he left the
room, I tried to get my mind around the horrendous situation. I
could see Danny's point. The more they had on me, the better
position they'd be in to blackmail me, but... My being in what
appeared to be a lesbian relationship was the ultimate blackmail
    How often
would the girl call round to have sex with me? Would she want Danny
to screw her again? Would Danny be safe going for his walks or
would they snatch him again? These people, whoever they were, were
obviously into this sort of thing in a big way. They'd targeted me
and were going all out to get me, probably take me for every penny
I earned. I was trying to think of too many things at once,
clogging my mind with too many thoughts. I had to relax my
    I didn't know
which was more worrying, the thugs who'd abducted Danny, or the
terrific orgasm I'd had with the bitch. Had she not fled the house,
who knows what she'd have demanded next. Perhaps I could do a deal
with them, I mused. If I said that I'd write the book if they kept
away from us...
    "Tea's up,"
Danny smiled as he carried a tray into the room and placed it on
the coffee table. "I've been thinking, they won't grab me
    "They might.
They've done it once, so why not again?"
    "It's a pretty
risky business snatching someone off the street and bundling them
into the back of a car. Not the sort of thing they'd want to do too
    "I suppose
    "OK, the girl
came here and told you to write the second book, and they got me to
ring you to make sure that you knew they meant business. They're
obviously not big-time gangsters because, at the very most, they'll
only get, say, half your advance."
    "Half? That's
fifty thousand..."
    "It's a lot of
money, yes - but hardly big-time stuff. They've achieved what
they'd set out to do, which was to frighten us. I reckon they'll
back off once they know that you're writing the book and the
advance is on the way. When the girl next contacts us, we'll tell
her that you've started the book."
    "There are no
buts, love. You'll have to write the book."
    "What about
the detective?"
    "It's too late
to ring him now, I'll call him in the morning and fill him in with
the latest. You never know, he might have seen the girl leave
and... I'll call him in the morning."
    "I'm tired and
my head's aching like hell, I think I'll go to bed."
    "Don't you
want some tea?"
    "No, not
    "OK. Try not
to worry, I reckon that the worst is over."
    "Apart from
giving the bastards thousands and thousands of pounds."
    "It might not
come to that. You go up and I'll join you later."
    Again, I
barely slept. My dreams wouldn't leave me, restless monsters
roaming my mind, conjuring vivid images of the girl's mouth closed
over my clitoris, her fist driving deep into my pussy. But that was
my secret. No one, apart from the girl, would ever know the
dreadful truth. If she told Danny, I'd deny it - and he'd believe
    I was up at
six the next morning, making tea, and my plans. I hadn't told Danny
about the royalty cheque, and I wasn't going to. If the girl
started questioning him, he couldn't let something slip that he
didn't know about. I'd open another bank account and hang onto that
money if it was the last thing I did.
Danny wandered downstairs at nine-thirty. I reckoned that he'd been
mentally exhausted and had fallen into a deep sleep the minute his
head had hit the pillow, unlike me! As he made himself a cup of
coffee, he started on about the book again, how I should begin as
soon as possible, how I had no choice. I couldn't take it,
listening to him rambling on and on about the bloody book.
    "I rang the
publisher," I finally interrupted him.
    "I spoke to
Tammy about the book."
    "Good girl! I
knew you'd..."
there's a problem."
    "What do you
    "After lunch
with Tammy the other week I'd thought

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