Shades of Darkness (Redemption Series)
sitting at home right now worried sick about her.
    She sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the world pressing down on her. “Well, I’ll be ready in a few minutes. I just have to finish my hair,” she said, standing in front of the mirror, combing out her tangled black mane. “Have you decided where we’re going?” She watched him from his reflection in the mirror.
    Finally, he turned toward her. “Vegas.”
    Olivia froze, the comb paused halfway through her hair. “Vegas?”
    “Yeah.” He walked up behind her and their eyes locked in the mirror. “It’s far enough from here and easier to hide you there.” Liam reached into his pocket and pulled out the necklace he’d given her for her eighteenth birthday, letting the heavenly stone fall from his hand as the chain dangled on his finger.
    “My necklace! Oh Liam, when did you grab it?” She lifted her hair up, a silent request for him to put it on her.
    He bent down, placing the exquisite heart-shaped jewel around her neck. She watched their reflection in the mirror as he bent, hovering close to her neck to fasten the clasp. “I took it from your jewelry box right before we left.” His breath whispered against her neck, skating into the V of her cleavage. “It’s not wise to leave such a precious stone unattended.” A pained expression crossed his face a moment before he turned away, putting that infuriating distance between them again. “I’m going to check us out while you finish getting ready.”
    Olivia nodded her head, unable to speak past the lump in her throat as she watched him walk out the door.
    Liam entered the office and scanned the display of roadmaps on the wall, taking his time and needing some space after being cooped up in that tiny room with Olivia all night. Spending the next twenty-eight hours in a car, traveling across the United States with that woman, was going to be nothing short of pure torture. God knows, he loved her—now more than ever. Seeing her again in this dimension brought back all those memories—all those stolen moments. That forbidden rush of desire hit him with such force he could hardly breathe around her. At least when he was heavenly, he had a buffer. He couldn’t speak to her, smell her, be with her…
    “Lookin’ for one in particular?” the man at the desk asked, yanking Liam from his thoughts.
    “No. Just stretching my legs.”
    “Where you headed?”
     “Why do you ask?” Liam countered the man’s question with one of his own. He couldn’t lie, but sure as hell wasn’t about to tell the guy where he was taking Olivia.
    “No reason. It’s just not very often a beautiful woman in a wedding dress comes through here. I figured you must be on the way to your honeymoon or something. But then I noticed you weren’t wearing a wedding ring, and then you wouldn’t give me any ID. So, I have to ask myself,” the old man paused before continuing, his arm moving behind the counter almost imperceptibly. “Is that little lady here with you willingly?” he asked point blank.
    Liam had to stop himself from laughing. That old coot was sharper than he’d given him credit for, and by the look in that guy’s cataract-grayed eyes, he didn’t intend to let Liam leave with Olivia until he was satisfied she hadn’t been abducted.
    Liam smiled. “Calm down now, old man,” he said smoothly. “Let’s not do anything here you’re going to regret. The lady is with me willingly. I’m just helping her out of a tough spot.”
    The guy eyed Liam warily, clearly not yet convinced.
    “You’re more than welcome to talk to her, if you’d like.”
    He gave a gruff nod of his head. “Let’s go talk to your lady friend.” Walking around the corner of the desk, the man made no effort to hide the gun tucked in the back of his jeans.
    Liam led the way to their room, and the old man followed behind him. Knocking softly on the door, he called, “Olivia, it’s me. Open up.”
    The door opened and her

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