Shadow of Doubt

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Book: Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez
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in front of her, blocking her stride as she tried to walk away.
    Dolly looked up at him wonderingly.  “Why's he so grumpy all the time?”  She figured his best friend should surely know him better than anyone else.
    “He's not usually,” Martin answered smiling slyly.  “Maybe you're just not his type.”
    “Do you have to be a certain type to just be friends with somebody?” she asked remembering now why this man had annoyed her so much before.  He seemed to love making assumptions and his staring chest level when he talked to her made her only madder for even talking to him in the first place.
    Martin's eyes finally moved to meet hers.  “Maybe not.  I'm not too particular though.”  Now he seemed to making himself available to her.
    Dolly wasn't interested in the slightest.  She turned away.  “I'm going in for a swim,” she remarked bitterly and headed for the surf.
    “Watch for sharks,” he warned chuckling.
    Dolly glanced back to see him finally going up the stairs of the house as she waded out to sea.
    “Only shark around here is on dry land,” she thought as she plunged into the warm salty waters and felt relaxed at last as the waves rolled around and massaged her neck.
    “Jordan must be right,” she thought as she savored the feeling of the warm salty water soothingly pounding every inch of her body.  “I must be a beach bum just like he is.  I could stay here forever.”
    Three days had passed now and Dolly wasn't sure at all these arrangements were going to work out now.  She spent as much of her time as possible staying out of Jordan's way as he did trying to ignore her.
    As she sat the table for lunch, Jordan came in and sat waiting for her to place the food on the table.  He rather liked having her around to cook and clean for him, but still wished he had never brought her home.  Martin's constant teasing was bad enough, he just wanted her to remember who she was before his upcoming trip to North Carolina.
    “How's the room coming along?” she asked as she joined him at the table, Myron's little body snuggling at her feet.
    “Okay I guess,” he answered between bites.
    “Need any help?  I'm kinda bored around here,” Dolly then offered hopefully.
    “Jordan suddenly froze for a moment and gave her a ridiculous stare.  “I don't think so.  It's not exactly a woman's kind of work.”
    “Macho bastard,” she then thought feeling insulted by his quick answer.
    “I won't get in the way, I promise,” she tried again.
    “I said no!” he nearly yelled out then quickly calmed himself.  All he needed was a sniffling woman around again.  “Besides, I'm almost finished anyway.”
    After they silently finished their meal, Jordan combed his black wavy hair and put his wallet in the back pocket of his jeans.
    “I'm going into town for supplies...need anything?” he asked Dolly as he watched her fill the sink with soapy dish water.
    “No...I'm fine,” she muttered back.  “But you're a little low on dog food.”  She had even been tending to his small pooch while he tended to his carpentry work.
    Jordan could see she wasn't happy this morning, but only assumed it was because of the situation she was in.  “Strange people, strange place...must be awful scary,” he thought as he again neared her.
    He leaned on the kitchen counter next to her.  “Wanna ride with me?” he then offered hoping she would say no, but thought he would be nice and ask anyway to keep her from feeling so unwanted.
    “No thanks.  I'm just gonna clean up here,” she answered without looking at him.
    “Suit yourself,” he answered rather relieved.  So far Martin was the only one of his friends besides the authorities who knew he had even taken her in.  He didn't care to parade her around any more than he had too.
    Dolly saw the relieved look on his face as he cheerfully whistled his way down the stairs and hopped into his truck.  She really liked this guy, but was getting tired of him

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