Shadow of Doubt

Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Page B

Book: Shadow of Doubt by Melissa Gaye Perez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melissa Gaye Perez
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constantly shrugging her off and ignoring her.  He treated her as if she was a menace and too young to even help him around the house, except for cooking and cleaning.
    When they did speak it was as if he wasn't interested and would rather be left alone.  The thought of Lydia and some women's shelter was scary, but Dolly didn't want to inconvenience this man any longer than she already had.
    Dolly finished cleaning the kitchen then packed the few clothes she had and left Jordan a note thanking him for all he had done and apologized for ever bothering him in the first place.  She then walked down the main road until she hitched a ride into town.  A dangerous thing she knew, but really didn't much care anymore.  She wanted to get as far away as she could before Jordan returned and caught her walking down the road unescorted.  She knew he would surely be outraged.
    Dolly went to the local police station and had the officer she had met at the hospital call Lydia for her.  While they waited she asked him if they had any luck finding out who she was.  Hoping that someone had reported her missing.
    “Sorry, but as far as the missing person's report there has been no one near your description listed.  We're doing all we can, really ma'am,” the officer assured her.
    Dolly didn't much care for his reply.  Now she felt even more gloomy and alone at the thought of not being missed by anyone.  “Don't I have any friends or family out there that care?” she wondered.
    Then she saw Lydia's hard face and plump body approaching her.  She wanted to cry at the very sight of her.
    “Come along dearie, we'll take care of you right away.  I knew those arrangements weren't gonna work out from the start,” she smugly gloated as Dolly sadly rose from her seat, gathered up her belongings and followed her out of the police station to her car.
    “How I hate you,” she thought as she slid inside and sat trembling like never before next to this horrible woman.
    When they arrived at the shelter Dolly wasn't sure now if this was what she really wanted to do or not.  Rows of cots lined the large room and was filled with women and children of all ages.  She felt as if they were staring at her while Lydia settled her in to her new living quarters.
    Dolly lay on her hard uncomfortable cot and cried as she tried so hard to remember something...anything...anyone from her past, but the only person on her mind was Jordan Scott.  She had felt so comfortable and safe in his home from the beginning.
    “But he hates having me around,” she thought as she tried to fall asleep and ignore the other women's chatting and laughter from all around her.  A sound that was almost deafening.  What could they possibly be so happy about?
    As she soon learned, the shelter was full of women out of work and abused by their husbands.  This didn't make her feel any better about being here though.  She just wanted to feel loved and cared for, but as time passed and no one noticed her missing, Dolly only grew even more deeply depressed and felt as if no one in the entire world cared whether or not she lived.
    Jordan returned home around six that evening and unloaded his lumber and other building materials and began carrying them into the house.  After straightening up his mess he realized he didn't smell supper cooking.
    “Hmmph, she hasn't missed a meal yet,” he thought as he scanned the empty kitchen and living room.
    Then he knocked lightly on her bedroom door afraid he had upset her again this morning and would find her lying on her bed crying.  He knocked again not wanting to see her if she was lying there sobbing.  He couldn't stand to see a woman cry.  Myron whimpered at his feet.
    Still no answer.
    “Dolly?” he called out as he slowly opened the door.  When he saw she wasn't there he went into his bedroom where he found a note on his pillow.
    He felt a little flushed as he sat and read it, but somewhat relieved at the same

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