Shadow Play
palms, the idea occurred to her that he might be drunk.
    His eyes were very bright, his thick hair lightly ruffled by the breeze. She did not move, but watched his mouth and eyes turn as dark and moody as they had been the night before. Something turned over inside her that was neither anger nor fear. She shuddered in anticipation, vaguely aware that she had leaned closer to him, could feel the heat of his body warming her even through her clothes. For a shocking instant she imagined his big hand sliding down the small of her back and cupping her buttock, pressing her close...
    Her eyes drifted shut and she wondered if she had imbibed too much wine with her meal. She felt entranced, like one on the verge of sleep, foreseeing the recurrence of some agreeable dream. She became dizzy, her body limp. Her shape molded to his as his hand slid down her spine, all five fingers splaying wide over the exposed portion of her back where her dress swooped down between her shoulder blades. Her skin burned
    where he touched her. Her heart pounded.
    With all her effort she forced open her eyes. His head was bent low over hers, his lips parted and poised above her mouth as tenuously as a hummingbird above nectar. In the periphery of her mind a voice cried out to flee; he was dangerous, and she was an engaged woman, after all. She shouldn't be within a mile of a man like Morgan Kane...
    Yet she could do nothing but clutch at the lapels of his coat in an endeavor to stay on her feet while his dark hand came up to wrap around her throat and tip up her chin with his thumb.
    He kissed her.
    First with his mouth.
    Then with his tongue.
    Just as he'd kissed the woman the night before, sliding between her lips and into her mouth, making lazy, swirling motions inside her so that she felt delirious and furious and shocked all at once. She managed a small, strangled sound of protest and tried to squirm away. He paused only long enough to say,' 'You said this venture was worth everything you own. Does that also include you, chere?"
    He kissed her again, harder this time, burying his free hand in her hair, his fingers gripping her skull to keep her in place. She clutched at his shoulders, then, doubling her hands into fists, drove them into his chest with all her strength, fighting her body's own scandalous response as much as his use of blatant, brutal force. Then with stunning quickness he spun her toward the wall, pressed her against it, his knee shoved between her legs in an effort to pin her there. His hand closed over her breast and squeezed.
    For an eternal moment she couldn't think or move. The shock of what his tongue was doing to her mouth was so strong that at first she failed to realize that his fingers had worked her nipple into a hard, throbbing core that jutted up like a pebble between his thumb and forefinger. Then her entire body came alive under his hand, growing and straining and burning in a hot stream of fire that reached all the way to that sensitive place that was becoming hotter and wetter where his thigh pressed against her and rubbed. Not until he had raised his head and regarded her with feverish, hungry eyes did the consequences of her actions hit her with sickening force.
    I n an instant the spell was broken, dissolved by the cold onrush of reality. All at once she felt terrified-of him and herself. They were both breathing hard and unevenly. Kane's face carried a dark flush and a sheen of perspiration, the passion she had aroused in him as vivid as lightning against a night sky.
    D ear God, what had happened to her?
    She turned her face away, shielding her raw, wet mouth with the back of her hand. "Stand away!" she ordered, her voice low and breathless, edged with desperation and fear. "Get away from me. Now! How dare you touch me! Stand away before I scream."
    He did not move and she remained quite still,. refusing to look at him again, somehow knowing the outcome if she did. She wiped her mouth with the back of her wrist and

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