Shadow World
events like this anyway, so I'll just piece together the best footage from the different cameras. That leaves me free to go for crowd shots with my autocam."
    Cara paused, wondering whether she should let Mark get away with
    changing the subject. But just as she was about to try again, a hush, ripe with anticipation, abruptly fell over the Arena. She looked down at the stage and saw the school's Administrator, the Chhhh-kk-tu named Kkintha ch'aait, step to the small podium to begin the assembly.
    Cara had begun to pick up a smattering of Mizari, but this was too important to miss a word. Hastily she switched on her voder.
    "... and I think you are all aware," the Administrator was saying, "of the disclosures made ten months ago by the CLS concerning Elseemar. The people of Elseemar, the Elspind, following several years of limited interaction with CLS sociological teams, recently expressed an interest in visiting and learning about other worlds. The CLS agreed to sponsor the visits, and as a result, the WirElspind, Elseemar's governing body, chose ten of their members for this very special mission.
    "These representatives are the first to ever leave their planet. Their reports will have a major impact on the people of Elseemar, as well as future relations between Elseemar and the Cooperative League of Systems."
    I know all this, Cara thought impatiently, forcing herself not to wriggle in her seat.
    "StarBridge has been given the honor of receiving a
    visit from one of these Elpind emissaries. Students and faculty of the Academy at StarBridge"--Kkintha ch'aait paused for emphasis--"I would like you to welcome Eerin."
    Cara jumped to her feet, clapping as hard as she could. So did Mark. Since every student in the Arena was just as eager to express delight and since every species had its own way of doing so, the uproar was astonishing.
    The being who stepped out into view didn't exactly "step." Instead it bounded out, skipped across the stage, then skidded to a halt beside the Administrator. Even from halfway back in the huge Arena, Cara could feel the boundless energy radiating from the small creature.
    The alien was humanoid, with a head, two arms, two legs, and upright carriage. Cara couldn't distinguish facial features from where she sat, but she noted that the head appeared uncomfortably large and startlingly round in contrast to the thin, angular frame. The effect was softened somewhat by the cream-colored down covering both head and body.
    Cara compared the Elpind with the Chhhh-ick-tu. Adult Chhhh-kk-tu, on the average, stood about as high as her collar. The Elpind was about the same height but there the similarity stopped. Kkintha ch'aait was rounded and densely furred and, while smal , looked solid and stable. The Elpind, thin and much more lightly furred, appeared fragile in contrast.
    Cara wondered at its age. Its sex she knew ... or rather, she knew about its lack of sexual identity. Recent newscasts about the scheduled visits had revealed to the general populace of the CLS for the first time that Elspind were either male, female, or neuter, and that all of the ten emissaries were neuters. They would be referred to with the Elspindlor pronoun for neuters,
    "hin," the Mizari journalist had reported.
    The noise was finally dying down. The Administrator spoke again. Still in Mizari, noted Cara. Hin isn't wearing a voder, therefore Eerin must know Mizari.
    "Our students represent the Fourteen Known Worlds of our galaxy, Eerin.
    More than that, they are the finest young people their planets have to offer.
    They come here to form a very special community and to learn how to advance the peace and prosperity of all systems. The welcome you heard means they are eager to make you one of them."
    It happened all over again: the yelling, the clapping, the barking and whistling and hissing and yipping and stamping.
    Kkintha ch'aait waited patiently, seeming to enjoy herself. The Elpind made constant, tiny motions. Cara

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