Shadow World

Shadow World by A. C. Crispin, Jannean Elliot Page A

Book: Shadow World by A. C. Crispin, Jannean Elliot Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. C. Crispin, Jannean Elliot
Tags: Fiction, General, Science-Fiction
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wondered if it ... hin, she reminded herself, was nervous.
    Finally the students settled back down.
    "Eerin expressed the desire, in a government communique prior to arrival, to experience something uniquely StarBridge," Kkintha ch'aait said. "We have decided a pair project will allow Eerin to experience a unique feature of StarBridge, and will offer the best opportunity for hin to interact with another CLS-member species. In addition, it works well with hin's plans to visit another system before returning to Elseemar. The death of two birds with one rock, as you human students might say."
    A rumble of appreciative laughter rose from the members of the audience to whom she referred.
    Cara had learned during the past weeks about pair projects. Two students of different species were paired and sent away from StarBridge to accomplish a special project set by the Academy. All interrelators were required to complete a pair project, and many of the telepaths and translators elected to, also. It was considered the best way to learn teamwork across cultural lines.
    Pair partners were seldom chosen for each other from the cultures each student was majoring in; the idea was to have them learn from each other without prior preparation.
    Sort of a field test, she found herself thinking, then she focused again on what the Administrator was saying: "... a special Tapping right now. The faculty felt Eerin would enjoy watching the Tapping ceremony itself. I will tell you that the choice announced through our light system will be a surprise to both Eerin and the chosen student, but we have put a great deal of thought into selecting the person we felt would be the best pair partner for Eerin."
    Cara could feel the excitement level rise another notch. "Did I understand correctly?" she whispered to Mark. "Someone's already been chosen, but that person doesn't know it yet ... and is going to find out right now?"
    "Right. You'll like the Tapping ceremony," Mark replied.
    "What if it's you?" she kidded. "I'll get the best camera angle possible, totally by chance."
    Mark smiled tolerantly. "Nope, once again, you'll have to go elsewhere for your story. I did my pair project over a year ago."
    "Who did you get?"
    "A Heeyoon, Starchaser. We got to be great friends. She--" He interrupted himself. "They're ready to start! Is your camera on?"
    "Naturally." Cara gazed about her expectantly. The term 'Tapping," she knew, came from the ancient custom of choosing members for exclusive clubs or special honors by sending someone to actually "tap" a chosen person on the shoulder. While the old terminology lingered, Cara felt sure she would witness a very different method of selection.
    Mark nudged her. "Put your palm over this," he said, demonstrating by pressing his hand against a small sensor plate embedded in the arm of his chair.
    Gradually the lights dimmed until the Arena was totally dark. Suddenly she saw a yellow glow several rows away. Cara jumped as a green light
    illuminated the arms and back of her seat. A soft orange glow outlined the chair in front of her and to the right. Throughout the Arena different colored lights winked on, one by one, at random, until the audience shimmered like a huge rainbow.
    Mark leaned over to whisper again. "The computer activates a white light when it recognizes the presence of a Tapped student." His chair was still dark, but it wasn't the only one. There were still many dark spots scattered between the bright islands of lighted seats.
    The lights that were winking on did so more slowly now, adding to the suspense. A dark spot two rows away glimmered into blue.
    Even as Cara craned her neck to see who would be next, something flashed at the corner of her eye. She turned her head quickly.
    Bright white light bathed a wide-eyed, openmouthed Mark.
    "Congratulations!" cried Cara. "Mark, it is you!" She had to practically shout to be heard over the exuberant noise that had started up again in the Arena.
    He was

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