Shadows of War

Shadows of War by Michael Ridpath

Book: Shadows of War by Michael Ridpath Read Free Book Online
Authors: Michael Ridpath
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    ‘Very well,’ said Schellenberg. ‘But don’t do anything unless you are sure that there is trouble.’
    Schellenberg left the pension and went for a stroll around the block. This latest development worried him. Did Heydrich know something he didn’t? Heydrich usually knew something other people didn’t. Perhaps the deception was blown. Or perhaps Heydrich just didn’t trust Schellenberg not to negotiate his own deal with the British. If anything, that was more worrying.
    You didn’t want Heydrich to distrust you.
    Schellenberg would just have to keep his eyes open and rely on his wits. They had served him well in the past and they would in the future.
    He entered the front door of the pension and bumped into a Gestapo Kriminalassistent. ‘Herr Sturmbannführer, Admiral Canaris has been trying to get hold of you in Berlin.’
    What the hell did he want? The Abwehr was not a part of this operation, and Schellenberg knew that Heydrich would require it kept that way. But if Canaris had gone to the trouble to track Schellenberg down it must be important.
    Schellenberg went to the room that served as a communications centre in the pension and put through a phone call to the Tirpitzufer.
    ‘Ah, Walter, thank you for getting back to me,’ Canaris said. ‘How are you?’
    ‘Very well, Herr Admiral. Our soldiers might be sitting on their arses, but there seems plenty for us to do.’
    ‘That’s certainly true,’ said Canaris. ‘I wonder if you can enlighten me? Our people in Holland have come across an army captain named Schämmel. Do you know him?’
    Schellenberg thought quickly. If he denied knowledge of Schämmel and Canaris discovered later that the captain and Schellenberg were one and the same person, he would have blown his credibility with the Chief of the Abwehr. And that credibility was important. So he had to admit some knowledge.
    ‘I do know of him,’ Schellenberg said.
    ‘Ah, good. He has apparently been claiming to be in touch with elements who wish to overthrow the Führer. Have you heard that?’
    Now Schellenberg realized he would have to come clean, or else the Abwehr might disrupt the operation. Interesting they had found out. Never underestimate Canaris’s sources of information.
    ‘Actually, I know Schämmel well,’ said Schellenberg. ‘Extremely well.’
    ‘In fact, he and I are the same man. We are running a little operation to draw out the English on whether they have been discussing such a plot with anyone within Germany.’
    ‘Hah! I like it!’ said Canaris. ‘So it’s you who has been in Holland talking to Payne Best and Stevens?’
    ‘That’s right. I’ve had several meetings with them, and in fact I am due to meet them tomorrow near the border. They appear to have fallen for it.’
    ‘And have they admitted to discussions with any conspirators?’
    ‘Not yet,’ said Schellenberg. ‘But they didn’t seem surprised at the idea that there might be some out there. I’m hoping to press them tomorrow.’
    ‘It’s a bold move, Walter, and I congratulate you. But it would have been courteous to let us know what you were doing. It’s dangerous to step on each other’s toes in a neutral country: it will lead to trouble.’
    ‘Of course, Herr Admiral.’ Schellenberg would have to play this next part carefully. ‘Heydrich was keen that this should be a Gestapo operation. Perhaps if we had bumped into each other in the Tiergarten, I might have mentioned something...’
    ‘Yes, Walter. I enjoy our little chats. Good luck tomorrow, and please keep me informed of developments.’
    Schellenberg replaced the receiver. He thought he had done a reasonable job. He was pretty sure he had retained Canaris’s trust. And if he had denied all knowledge of Schämmel, the Abwehr would have taken action to find out about him of their own accord. It could all have turned very ugly.
    Naujocks. Canaris. There were too many distractions. Schellenberg forced himself

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