manager voice
    (she’s not very good at the
    “ Pinky, who ate all the
    “ It was Benny,” I replied
immediately. “Benny did it! I saw him and EVERYTHING –”
    “ Funny,” Renee said. “He says the
same thing about you!!”
    That bastard!!
    Later, Benny came upstairs and was pointing and
laughing at me. “I dobbed you in, Pinky!!!”
    “ I dobbed you in, too,
    We dissolved in fits. ‘You SWORE!!” he
    “ SO DID YOU!!”
    “ Our promises aren’t worth shit!”
Benny laughed. We laughed harder. We were seriously in
    “ Benny and Pinky, sitting in a
tree!!” Daryl Agnew started singing, as he held up some glittering
lingerie he’d just bought himself.
    “ Who ate all my lollies!!” Gerry
yelled from his desk.
    Benny and I pointed at each other.
    So funny.
    Matt looked at me with those intense eyes of
his today as I left.
    I kinda REALLY DIG the way he looks at
    Saturday 8 July 2000
    Nat and I took over a dozen yellow roses to
Joy’s house for her birthday today, then visited Mum, who is doing
a lot better. We drove her home from the hospital today and did her
grocery shopping.
    I’m so stuffed. Going to take a lovely nap.
These are the times I’m grateful to be single…no one to wake you
    Damn it. Evvy woke me up.
    He just called ‘to say hello’.
    It is Saturday night, after all. Which means
date night for him and Tom.
    God his voice is sexy.
    I can’t sleep now.
    Stupid sexy Everard.
    Tuesday 11 July 2000

    Sherrie actually had lunch with me

    But Katie was away sick.
    So I was SUPPOSED to stop in at Beth’s after
work and drop her in the latest Avon catalogue, but I forgot I’d
promised Dan I’d go to the gym with him and Josh. I figured I would
do it afterwards, but the boys spend HOURS at the gym, and I knew I
wouldn’t get home till late.
    So I rang Beth dead on 6pm and explained I
couldn’t come, could I drop it off tomorrow night, and she
seriously cracked it at me!!
    It went like this:
    “ Hello?”
    “ Hey Bethy Wethy!!”
    (don’t know why I resort to baby talk with
Beth, other than she’s scary and I resort to an infant state out of
pure terror)

    “ Hey babe!!”
    (she’s genuinely happy to hear from me. She
loves me. Beth loves me!!)

    (that’ll change in two seconds)

    “ How are you?? How was your
    (showing interest in one’s friends – before
blowing them off – very proper and decent of me)

    “ OH GOD, don’t even get me started
on my day – ”
    (a pause, before she works up to a long, drawn
out description of her day…which seems like a very LONG day,
judging by the LONG reenactment of her day she just gave

    “ Hey listen…”
    (I interrupt as gently and nonchalantly as
possible, like this is no big deal…damn it!! I’m
    “… You know that Avon book I was
gonna drop off tonight??...”
    Deadly, deathly pause. (Anabeth so needs to
have children, because she has the scary mum pause down pat) “Yes.
What. About. IT.”
    (fuck, she’s scary)

    “ Is it okay if I drop it off
tomorrow night? I thought I’d have time before the gym, but I
really don’t, and it’ll be late by the time I get home, and I’m
really, really tired…”
    (I trail off at the deadly silence on the other

    “ You SAID you would bring it tonight
– ”
    “ Yes, but – ”
    “ It’s DUE Thursday!! We have to have
our orders in by Thursday – ”
    “ Yes but – ”
    “ How am I SUPPOSED TO look through
an ENTIRE Avon book in ONE NIGHT, and COME UP WITH my order in ONE
    (first world problems there)

    “ Well, you’ve got a day to decide –

    “ NO I DON’T!!! I have ONE NIGHT TO
    “ Oh, is that Dan??”
    (imaginary Dan has arrived in his imaginary
car, beeping his

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