Shannon's Daughter

Shannon's Daughter by Karen Welch Page B

Book: Shannon's Daughter by Karen Welch Read Free Book Online
Authors: Karen Welch
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seen his daughter,
after thirty minutes closeted in the parlor with Peg, he seemed to have a complete
change of heart.
man, I owe you an apology,” was the farthest thing from what Kendall had
anticipated as he waited in the kitchen.   Watching glumly as Hannah prepared supper for the fishing party, he’d
considered packing his bags in preparation for eviction.   If the brief conversation he’d overheard
between the doctor and Peg’s father was any indication of Michael’s mood,
Kendall felt certain his stay in Ireland was about to be cut short.  
been pleased to hear the doctor calmly answer Michael’s hissing inquisition
when the two met outside the parlor door.   But the doctor was armed with his professional expertise, justifying his
decision to treat Peg here rather than subjecting her to the rough drive into
town.   He further promised that if it
would make him feel better, Michael could bring her in the following day for an
x-ray, although he felt sure it would show nothing but a simple fracture which
he’d successfully set with a minimum of force.   The two men had at least parted respectfully.   When the doctor passed Kendall on his way
out, he’d given him a bracing clap on the shoulder and a sympathetic nod.
stupidly, he now accepted Michael’s outstretched hand, unwilling to believe he
was getting off so easily.   “Apology, sir?”
has told me how calmly you handled the situation.   It’s obvious you took fine care of my little
girl, son.   I’m not sure I would have
done as well, myself.   I tend to be
overly emotional, I’m afraid, when it comes to Peg.”
    He had
the presence of mind to give Peg the credit due.   “She’s a remarkable girl, sir.   She barely shed a tear, which is more than I
can say for myself.”  
smiled wanly.   “You had a bit of rough
day, I’m sure.   And I’m afraid I’m going
to impose on you further.”
please, just name it.”
wants to go back to the flat.   I would
have stayed here, but she insists she’ll sleep better in her own bed.   I haven’t the heart to refuse her, but I’m
afraid I can’t get her up those stairs.   Would you mind spending a night in town?   I wouldn’t ask you to drive back out tonight.”
hesitating, he leapt at the opportunity to be of service, begging a minute to
throw a few things in a bag.   Only as he
raced up the stairs did it occur to him that he and Michael would be the only
ones on hand to help with whatever a young girl might need in the middle of the
night.   Surely one of the women in the
family should take on the role of nurse?
down with bag in hand, he suggested as much to Michael, who’d settled in a
chair near the divan to watch Peg sleep.   “The girls are coming back on the last train, won’t be here until around
midnight.   We’ll manage tonight just fine
and Katie will be in in the morning.   I
suppose we’ll have to wake her now, won’t we?   She looks to be sleeping pretty soundly since she took that tablet the
doctor left for the pain.”   Despite the
chill of apprehension creeping up his spine, Kendall was touched by the tenderness
with which Michael patted his daughter’s shoulder.   “Peg, love, it’s time to go home.”
move wasn’t accomplished without incident.   Peg roused only enough to drape limp arms around Kendall’s neck, moaning
words to the effect that he’d better not drop her.   The cast seemed to have added a good fifteen
pounds to her not insubstantial frame, and he felt the strain across his
shoulders as he carried her through the house.
eventual arrival at the car produced an awkward moment.   There was no graceful way to place her in the
rear seat, although he tried various angles of approach, all in vain.   Inadvertently banging her head on the doorframe
did bring her around momentarily.   She
responded with an angry grunt and a not so girlish punch in

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