Simple Perfection
writing something down on a small notepad. Jimmy was probably telling her the things the servers needed ordered. He was the head server. She put the tip of the pen she was writing with in her mouth and chewed on it as she listened to Jimmy, then went back to writing.
    “Heard anything from the crazy bitch?” Jace asked.
    Angelina had disappeared and I liked it that way. I had to check on my mother more and that was a pain in the ass because she was mad at me. She still believed that Angelina was innocent and I was the asshole who had run her off.
    “No, and if she knows what’s good for her she won’t ever come near me or Della again.”
    The new server who had been looking at Della in ways he shouldn’t have walked over to her and said something that made her smile. She nodded her head and then glanced over his shoulder to see me watching her. The smile on her lips grew before she shifted her eyes back to the guy. I saw her say something to him before turning back to Jimmy, who had an annoyed expression on his face. That told me enough.
    Jimmy nodded his head my way and said something to the guy, who glanced back at my table, then walked over to us. Jimmy had sent him to wait on us. Good man.
    “Hello, Mr. Kerrington, what can I get you to drink?” the server asked as he filled our water glasses.
    “Della is mine. Keep your distance. If you need something, ask Jimmy. He tells Della what is needed. Not you,” I told him without caring that my tone was more angry boyfriend than boss.
    His eyes went wide and he nodded. “Yes, sir,” he replied.
    “Get me a sweet tea,” Jace said.
    “Coffee,” I told him, and then turned my attention back to Della, who was standing back, waiting to approach me. She looked wary.
    “Hey, baby,” I replied, standing up and walking over to her. She smiled at me, then glanced back at the server, who had just walked away.
    “What did you say to Ken?” she asked.
    “He doesn’t need to be looking at you and talking to you. He needs to be working,” I told her.
    She pressed her lips together, then nodded. “Okay. But he’s new. You just hired him last week.”
    I slipped my arm around her. “Yes he is, and I understand that. He should have been worried about the fact that his boss had just been seated and needed to be waited on. Not the incredibly hot female talking to Jimmy.”
    Della shook her head, then laughed. “Okay, fine. But be nice. Jimmy needs help.”
    “Eat with us,” I told her.
    “Can’t, I have to place an order for new aprons and there’s an issue with the hot-tea button on the machine. I have to get the service guy here to fix it.”
    “You have to eat,” I told her.
    “I’m eating a late lunch with Blaire,” she informed me, then grinned. “Now, let me work, boss.”
    I lowered my head to her ear. “Call me boss again and we’re gonna end up in a cleaning closet real damn fast.”
    Della shoved away from me, laughing as she walked off.
    I loved that girl.

    B laire had called and asked me to have lunch with her that day. I hadn’t spoken to her since the incident with Angelina except for the few times I’d seen her with Rush around the club. It was odd because I felt like we had a bond now that we’d faced down Angelina together. She’d been my hero that night. She made me want to be tough. I wasn’t tough and I wanted to be so bad.
    I walked out of Woods’s old office, which he’d moved me into and told me to decorate any way I wanted. Blaire was headed toward me.
    “You even have an office now,” Blaire said, smiling brightly. I had to admit I loved having an office. Specifically this office. I had many good memories there. I didn’t intend to change anything about it.
    “Yes, I feel very official,” I replied.
    “Good. I’m glad Woods has you. You’re perfect for him.”
    I didn’t agree with her. He could have done better—so much better—but I was working toward being good enough. Strong enough. Tough enough.

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