Sleep Stalker (Ghosts Beyond the Grove Book 1)

Sleep Stalker (Ghosts Beyond the Grove Book 1) by Joy Elbel

Book: Sleep Stalker (Ghosts Beyond the Grove Book 1) by Joy Elbel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Joy Elbel
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         “Now that I’ve done your bidding, Dom, do you mind telling me why you called me all the way here to spy on your boyfriend who’s sleeping in the next room?”
         Despite my seriously shitty mood, I had to admit that Clay always found a way to make me laugh.  He started referring to me as a dominatrix during the time that he and I were attached at the proverbial hip.  Another admission?  I grew to feel that the nickname fit me. 
         I hadn’t seen Clay in months but he was still wearing the same red shirt and ratty old jeans he always wore.  Reason number one for why I hoped my spirit never became earthbound—fashion.  I wouldn’t be caught dead dressed in the same outfit for the rest of eternity—pun not intended.
         “It’s kind of a long story, Clay.  Are you able to hang out for a little while?  I’m in need of a vent session.”
         Clay gave me a huge grin then sat down on my desk chair.  “You can’t tell me that you still keep forgetting that I’m dead!”
         “Not this time, silly.  I was actually referring to the fact that you have a girlfriend now.  Sophie doesn’t mind that you’re hanging out with me, does she?”  I plopped down onto my bed armed with the now near-empty bag of chips.  If I ever decided to hide in the bedroom all night again, I’d be smart enough to bring two bags instead of just one.  And maybe a cupcake or two.
         “Sophie isn’t jealous of our friendship one bit, Ruby—scout’s honor.  She’s grateful for the fact that you and I met.  Without you, she and I would have never found each other again.  She does wish you could see her though.”
         There was a point in time not so long ago when I pictured Zach and me living happily ever afterlife the same way Clay and Sophie were.  But lately, he and I couldn’t say more than two words to each other without it ending in a fiery argument.  How did things deteriorate so rapidly? 
         “I wish I could see her, too.  But unfortunately, I have no choice when it comes to that.  Some ghosts I see, others I don’t.  The important thing is that you guys can see each other.”  I let out a sigh, picturing Zach and I as ghost lovers again.  Then I remembered “Señorita” and I wanted to cry. 
         “I don’t think Zach is in love with me anymore.  I think he may have met someone else while he was in California.”  I pronounced the words using no hint of emotion but inside I was dying.  Dy-ing.
         “What?  You can’t be serious!  Zach loves you—you know he does!  The boy sleeping on that futon out there took a bullet for you.  Do you really think some California bikini girl he knew for a few days could compete with how he feels about you?”
         Ugh.  I knew Clay was trying to make me feel better but hearing the words “bikini girl” made me feel infinitely worse.  While I hadn’t had a picture in my head of the girl that I assumed was the source of our arguments, now I did.  She was a blonder, prettier version of Misty Landrum.  She was wearing a tiny little two piece, bouncing down the beach with my boyfriend on her arm.  She was tanned and giggly and perfect.  She was the opposite of me.  Ugh again.
         “But, Clay, I don’t know what else it could be!  He’s been acting weird ever since he got off that plane.  It’s like all of a sudden, he wants nothing to do with me.  We argue all the time.  He even accused me of cheating on him today!  I’ve always heard people say that the guilty party is the first one to imagine wrongdoing in someone else.”
         Clay sat silent for a moment before responding.  “Alright, I admit you sort of have a point there.  But you’re in panicky girlfriend mode right now.  Let’s sort through this logically.  Pretend you aren’t a girl for a little while.  You’re probably blowing this whole thing out of proportion. 

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