Snow Angels
mountain in this kind of weather?”
    Max gave a short laugh. “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you. Everything okay at Maximum Glide?” He wanted to tell Eddie three snow angels on a mission appeared on his doorstep last night, but thought that a bit too drastic even for Eddie. “A woman broke down somewhere around here late last night. Has a couple of kids with her and needs to get word to her family that they’re okay. You see any gray vans on the side of the road?”
    “Place runs smooth as silk, thanks to me. Funny you should ask about the van. We”—he nodded to the group of men gathered behind him—“were just discussing whose turn it was for the next tow.”
    “Don’t bother. I’m here for the van. Think it’ll make it up the mountain?” Max asked, assured Eddie would know.
    “It’s front-wheel drive. It should. Want me to follow you in the Hummer, just in case?” he asked.
    Max thought about it for a minute. “No, I think I can make it. You got your cell phone? I need to make a call.”
    Eddie whipped his iPhone out of his jacket pocket. “Never leave home without it.”
    Max took the scrap of paper from his pocket, eyeing the small, neat numbers. He could’ve sworn he smelled night-blooming jasmine wafting off the slip of paper. Shaking his head to clear it, he touched the numbers on the phone’s silent pad. Max would never get used to technology. This reminded him of something right out of Star Wars .
    The phone rang twice before someone answered. “Hope House. This is Juanita.”
    Hope House? Juanita?
    “I’m calling for someone named Grace,” he said.
    “Do you want to speak to her?”
    “No, no. She wanted me to call and let someone know that she and the…girls were okay. She got lost last night on her way home from a play. The snowstorm, she couldn’t see to drive.”
    “Thank God!” the woman said. “Where is she now? I’ll send Bryce after her. He arrived early this morning. He was so anxious to spend Christmas with her this year, he couldn’t wait until Christmas Eve.”
    Max heard Juanita whispering to someone else. Most likely it was the girls’ mother. “Hello? Who is this? Where are my children?” Another woman. The mother. Right on the money.
    “I…Grace wanted me to call you and let you know they’re safe.” Why did he say that? Of course they were safe. Why wouldn’t they be? “I’m on my way to get her van now. Your girls are at my house with her. They were making breakfast when I left.”
    “Oh, I can’t thank you enough! I was sure Glenn had escaped somehow. When will you be bringing them back to Hope House?” the woman he now knew was Stephanie asked.
    “She’ll be there as soon as the weather permits. She just wanted me to call. My phone lines are down. She said her cell-phone battery died.”
    Max heard an intake of breath.
    “Miss Grace would never allow her battery to die! That’s one of the first things she tells us when she issues our phones. Are you sure she’s all right? What did you say your name was?”
    Issues our phones? Hope House? Why did that name sound familiar to him?
    “My name is Max, and I assure you, Miss Grace was fine when I left her. As soon as she’s able to travel, she’ll be home. Tell Bryce not to be in such a hurry next time.” Max hung up the phone.
    “Catch.” He tossed the cell phone back to Eddie.
    “Easy, buddy, those things aren’t cheap. What got you so riled up? You look like you’ve just swallowed a spoon of vinegar. No, make that a glass. What gives?”
    Bryce. What kind of name is that?
    “Nothing, just point me in the right direction so I can get the woman’s van to her before Bryce has a…hissy fit.”
    “Well, well. I’ll be a monkey’s uncle! It’s about time, don’t you think? I do believe Mr. Jorgenson is jealous!” Eddie roared with laughter.
    “Look, Eddie, cut the crap. This woman is stranded at my place with two kids. I want her out of there as soon as possible. Just tell me

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