
Snow by Deborah M. Brown

Book: Snow by Deborah M. Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah M. Brown
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    Anais turned her head to look up at him.
    He shrugged. “Or so I have been told. Are you ready for bed?”
    Anais nodded.
    “Then make yourself ready. I will be along later.” He turned away before Anais could say anything further and strode from the room.

The Prince
    Charming stood gazing out of his bedchamber window. He was naked, and the room was chill despite the fire that burned in the grate. When the door opened, he did not turn around, although his skin prickled now with more than gooseflesh. A pair of warm hands slid down his shoulders and stroked his chest and belly. He leaned back against Rui’s body with a sigh of pleasure as Rui’s fingers encircled his swollen cock, lightly squeezing.
    “I hear you’ve developed a taste for dwarves,” Rui breathed against his ear as his hand tightened around Charming’s erection.
    Charming grunted with pained pleasure. “What?” he groaned. Rui squeezed harder. “Gods,” Charming croaked. “What are you talking about?”
    Rui continued his exquisite torture. “I saw the way you looked at him. And Anais confirmed it.”
    Charming’s breath ratcheted in his throat as he flexed against Rui’s grip. “I’ll admit I looked…ah!” Another squeeze made his balls clench. His fingers gripped the windowsill. “Don’t you think it might be amusing?”
    “To fuck a dwarf? You’re supposed to be making a move on the queen, making her want to fuck you.”
    “Oh gods.” A shudder ran through Charming. “I can do that with my hands tied behind my back. Would you deny me a little challenge on the side?” The muscles in his thighs were shaking. He tipped his head back, letting Rui kiss his neck. Rui’s fingers squeezed him rhythmically. Climax roared through him, and he trembled as he spent himself, gasping Rui’s name. He heard Rui fumble one-handed with his clothing, then gasped again as the other man thrust into him from behind.
    “I deny you nothing,” Rui rasped, his breath hot against Charming’s neck. “Just don’t amuse yourself at my expense and don’t lose sight of what we have planned.” Each thrust of his body rammed Charming’s belly against the windowsill. Rui’s head dropped, and Charming felt his teeth close around the tender skin where his neck met his shoulder. He bit hard, even as his body bucked against Charming’s. With a final shudder, the weight of Rui’s body collapsed over Charming’s before he slid free and turned to sprawl against the windowsill.
    Charming stood between Rui’s legs, leaning down to kiss him. “Jealous, my love?” he murmured. “It’s hardly fair that I should go without while you spend your spare time servicing the fair Anais.”
    “That’s different,” Rui said roughly. “It’s necessary, but I derive no pleasure from it.”
    Charming arched one brow. “Oh come now. No pleasure? None whatsoever?”
    The corner of Rui’s mouth turned up in a wry smile. He shrugged. “Well, maybe a little but it’s merely work…”
    “Nice work if you can get it,” murmured Charming, interrupting him.
    “Work,” said Rui firmly. “I have a task to do, and so do you. Would you see all that we have planned come to naught?”
    “No. I’ll do my part. Have I got this aright? Marry the Snow Princess, fuck her, get her with child, have her stepmother kill her or kill her myself if it comes to that? Make the queen think I desire her, fuck her and encourage her to kill her stepdaughter, then have her put to death for murder? Goodness. I am going to be extremely busy. Have I forgotten anything?”
    Rui’s lush mouth lifted in a smile, and Charming felt desire uncoil in his belly. “Gods, I love your mouth,” he murmured. “How can something so beautiful say and do such wicked things?” He dropped to his knees, placing his hands on the other man’s thighs. They quivered under his touch. “Say something wicked,” Charming whispered.
    “Fuck me.”
    Charming laughed. “Ah, but that my darling,

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