Solid Soul
“They’re kids, but we’re adults, Kylie. Our wants and needs are more defined than theirs. And a lot more profound.”
    “Sounds like a double standard to me.”
    “It’s not. That kiss we shared has nothing to do with our kids. That was strictly personal, between me and you.”
    She stared at him, hoping he understood whatshe was about to say. “I don’t have any regrets about the kiss but it can’t happen again, Chance.”
    A slow smile played across his lips. “That’s easier said than done, Kylie. I tasted your response. You’re a very passionate woman, moreso than you even know. You’ve denied yourself pleasure for a long time and now that your body has savored just a sampling, it’s going to want more.”
    She didn’t like what he was insinuating. Okay, so she had been a little greedy back there, but still, she had her morals.
    “And your principles have nothing to do with it,” he said as if he’d read her mind. “So don’t even think it. It’s about needs that are old and primitive as mankind. I have them and you have them, too.”
    She frowned. “And I’m supposed to jump into bed with any man just to appease him?”
    “No. Only with me.”
    He evidently saw the startled look in her face, because he then added, “But I’m willing to wait until you’re ready.”
    Kylie inhaled and decided it would be a waste of her time to tell him that no matter how much she had enjoyed their kiss, when it came to an affair, she would never be ready. Especially not with him.
    Another night and Chance couldn’t sleep a wink. But at least tonight he wasn’t being kept awake wondering how it would be to kiss Kylie since he’d gotten a real down-to-earth experience earlier that day.
    And it had been better than he’d imagined.
    The moments their lips had connected he had felt a slow sizzle all the way to his toes. The more he’d kissed her, the more she had wiggled closer for a better connection, and while his truck was getting the wash it really hadn’t needed, he was inside with her locked in his arms, and getting hotter by the second.
    She had felt like she belonged in his arms and the firm breasts that had been pressed against his chest had felt like they were meant to touch him that way. More than once he had been tempted to ease his hand under her blouse and cup her breasts, massage them, lift her blouse and lower his head and actually taste them.
    The only reason he had finally lifted his mouth from hers had been to breathe in some air. He had heard the car behind them blowing the horn but he would have stayed right there and ignored the sound if he hadn’t needed to breathe. What he’d told her was true. She was one responsive woman but hehadn’t meant it as a bad thing. He was beginning to realize that everything about Kylie Hagan was all good.
    He glanced over at the clock. It was a few minutes past eleven. He wondered if she was still awake. He reached for the phone, deciding there was only one way to find out.
    Trying to get to sleep that night was torture for Kylie. The vivid memory of their kiss in Chance’s truck, her sitting in his lap while his tongue stroked her mouth into sweet heaven, kept her wide awake.
    She remembered the feel of her breasts, their fullness, their sensitivity, and how at one point she had wanted his lips to bestow the same magic on them that he was giving her mouth. Then there was the feel of his body growing hard beneath her bottom. She would have given anything to feel that same erection cradled into the V of her thighs.
    Feeling frustrated in the worst possible way, she was about to get out of bed when her telephone rang. She reached over and picked it up. “Hello.”
    “I just wanted to hear your voice one more time tonight.”
    Kylie breathed deeply at the seductiveness ofChance’s tone. She had wanted to hear his voice again, too, but hadn’t had the nerve to call him. He was definitely bolder than she.
    She swallowed

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