Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection
for you. Your name is still on all our accounts in case of emergency, but I mean real emergencies, Lizzie, not just a good deal on a pair of shoes.”
    “ I can’t believe you’re saying this!” Lizzie cried. “You don’t trust me?”
    “ It’s not that I don’t trust you, Liz. You just have a tendency to overspend and put us in a bind every month. I make a decent salary, yet we can’t get ahead because of your spending.”
    Lizzie’s face grew stony and she refused to meet his eyes. “Fine, then. But see how you like it when there’s nothing in the house to eat.”
    “ If I have to eat out for dinner, Liz, I’m going to take it out of your account. You should know that up front.”
    “ That’s not fair! This whole thing is not fair,” she protested.
    “ It’s the way things are going to be,” he said. “Which brings me to my next subject... ”
    “ What?” she snapped.
    “ You are running around too much in the evenings. I am going to ask you to cut it down to no more than one evening a week that you’re gone from home, not including Sundays and Wednesday nights, of course. I want you to start keeping the house cleaner and seeing to our needs rather than those of everyone else.”
    “ But the church... ”
    “ God doesn’t require you to do so much you neglect your home, Babe. He called you to be a keeper at home, not a keeper at church.”
    Lizzie’s mouth opened and closed several times. Finally she bowed her head. “You’re right, Jay... it’s just that I have so many commitments... ”
    “ Get out of them. You are committed to this marriage first and foremost.”
    “ Could you give me some time to free myself up though?” she asked.
    He sighed. They’d had this conversation before and she always promised to do better. It just never happened. “How long?”
    “ Two months?”
    “ Huh uh. You have a week,” he told her.
    “ Jason, that’s unreasonable!”
    “ Not unreasonable as I’m going to be if you don’t do as I say. I’ve had it, Liz.”
    “ What are you saying? Are you threatening to divorce me?” Her voice had grown shrill. He knew the prospect frightened her as much as it angered her.
    “ No, never. But I will lead this household even if I have to take a switch to your behind to get you in line.” She snorted. “I’m serious, Sweetheart. Let me catch you using any account but yours or staying out more than one night a week and I guarantee you a sore backside.”
    “ You can’t be serious!”
    “ Try me,” he told her. “And if this house doesn’t get cleaned up right real quick, I’ll whip you for that too.”
    She jumped to her feet, two angry spots high on her cheekbones. “So what am I? A slave?”
    “ No. You’re my wife and you’d best start acting like it.”
    “ You can’t tell me what to do!”
    “ The Bible says I can. Now sit your butt back down before I put you
    over my knee right now.”
    She sputtered. “You wouldn’t dare.”
    Jason’s heart picked up in rhythm at her flagrant disrespect in the face of his threat. She didn’t believe him. He hadn’t meant to begin this tonight, but he’d backed himself into a corner and now could see no other choice. Slowly he rose to his feet. Her eyes widened, but then her jaw clenched and she looked up at him in blatant challenge.
    She fought like a wildcat when he grasped her arm and started to pull her down with him onto the couch, but she was a small woman and easy to subdue. Crushing any guilt or doubts that threatened, he steeled his heart to teach her a lesson. This could end or save his marriage, but at least after tonight he’d know.
    Lizzie screeched insults while he pulled her across his lap, her head near the back end of the couch with her legs hanging off the edge of his own so that she was at a good spanking angle. He’d thought about this position beforehand

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