Spanking Romance Stories - Punished Wives Collection
and it looked like a good one from where he sat. Thankfully she wore elastic waist Capri pants, so it was an easy thing to push them down, along with her panties, around her ankles. Methodically he wedged her calves under his leg and wrapped his arm around her waist.
    “ Jason! Don’t you dare! I’ll leave! I swear it!” she screeched, slightly out of breath from the struggle.
    Jason didn’t bother to answer. He’d researched wife spanking on the internet and knew anything she said now should not be paid any mind.
    The moment of truth arrived. He looked at her slightly plump white bottom and clenched his jaw, dreading to cause her pain. He forced himself to think on her disrespect in order to prepare his heart as he drew his hand above his head.
    His hand was large, and since he worked in construction, very calloused and rough. He brought it down on her wriggling bottom with a loud smack. She squealed in anger. He gave her another hard smack. This time her squeal held more pain than anger. He punished her with fast, hard swats, one right after another. He knew the minute her focus turned from her anger to the pain for she started to cry and beg for mercy and forgiveness. He continued the spanking, watching as her bottom turned bright pink and then crimson. Gradually, Lizzie’s screams became hoarse pleas mixed with terrible sobs, and her struggles became weak before they stopped altogether. He paused, hand in the air.
    She looked over her shoulder, and seeing his hand poised to deliver another swat, began to cringe. “Please,” she sobbed, “Jason... no more.”
    “ Have you learned your lesson, Liz?” he asked.
    “ Yes,” she hiccoughed.
    He brought his hand down and she yelped. “When you are being punished you will address me as ‘Sir’. Do you understand?”
    “ Yes, Sir,” she cried.
    “ I want you to remember this, Lizzie, because this is what you are going to receive every single time you’re disrespectful to me.” He swatted her again and she cried out. “Every time you neglect the house,” another hard swat, “every time you waste our money,” another hard swat, “and every time you’re out in the evening without permission.” One last hard swat caused her to cry high in her throat. “Do you understand?” he asked.
    “ Yes... sir,” she sobbed.
    He sat her on her feet. She would not meet his eyes, but turned to go their bedroom. “Lizzie?”
    She paused but did not turn around. “Yes, sir?”
    “ Go and get your nightgown on and come back here so we can talk.”
    “ Okay, sir,” she whispered.
    In a few moments she returned, tears still rolling down her face. He made her sit on her knees at his feet while they discussed which activities she would give up and when.
    “ Lizzie,” he said.
    “ Yes, Sir?”
    “ Look at me.”
    Shyly she raised her lovely brown eyes to his. They were red and puffy, but they held a new respect he hadn’t seen before.
    “ I love you,” he told her.
    A new flood of tears filled her eyes and she threw herself into his arms. “I love you, too.”
    “ Hi Honey!” Lizzie called from the kitchen when Jason arrived home from work, stomach grumbling. He walked on through the living room and into the kitchen and grinned at Lizzie’s pink face and mussed hair.
    She smiled nervously. “I’m running a bit late today.”
    Jason’s smile slipped a bit, but he nodded and moved back through the living room and down the hall toward the bathroom where he washed his face and hands. A frown furrowed his brow as he took in the piles of dirty laundry overflowing from the hamper. He hadn’t been able to find a clean towel to dry on that morning, and it appeared Lizzie hadn’t bothered with laundry again today.
    A peek into the bedroom showed him neither had she made the bed, and obviously the carpet had not been vacuumed. This was the

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