Spell Blind

Spell Blind by David B. Coe Page A

Book: Spell Blind by David B. Coe Read Free Book Online
Authors: David B. Coe
Tags: Fiction, Fantasy, Contemporary, Paranormal, Urban
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    “I’m not sure—”
    “It’s nothing that the M.E. won’t eventually give the press. I just need to know what kind of drugs she’d been taking, and anything you can tell me about their potency.”
    Caroline frowned. “Aren’t you with the force? Kona said you’re an investigator. Can’t you get this from her?”
    I forced a smile. “I’m asking you for it.” I pulled out my wallet and gave her one of my business cards. “If you can, call me at that number . . .”
    She was looking more frightened by the moment. “Um . . .”
    “It’s all right. I’ve known Pete Forsyth since you were in high school. He won’t mind. And you can call me from your home, if you think that would be better.”
    “Stop it, Justis.”
    Kona didn’t raise her voice. She didn’t have to.
    Caroline glanced past me, the relief on her face making me ashamed of myself. I turned, feeling my color rise.
    Kona crossed to where I sat, wearing an expression that would have wrung an apology from a gangbanger.
    “We’re leaving,” she told me. Turning, she said, “Sorry to have bothered you, Caroline. Tell Pete we’re done here. He can go ahead with the autopsy.”
    Caroline nodded, seeming unsure of what had happened. Her gaze flicked from me to Kona.
    I should have said something to her, but I was too embarrassed. I followed Kona out of the lab, through the hallways back to the main entrance. Once we were out on the street again, Kona turned to me, her hands on her hips.
    “What the hell were you thinking, trying to play that poor girl like that?”
    I didn’t meet her gaze. “Wriker asked me to find out—”
    “Don’t give me that shit. He didn’t tell you to go and bully some kid into getting herself fired.”
    I wasn’t sure that Wriker or the Deegans would give a crap about Caroline Packer. But I knew that I didn’t want to be measuring myself against their morals.
    “I pissed you off,” Kona said. “And you didn’t want to have to get that information from me. So you went after her.”
    Kona stared down at her feet, her lips pursed. “I shouldn’t have said what I did. You don’t need me telling you what your job is, especially when you’re still working this case and not getting any credit for it. The fact is, Latrelle wanted you here, but strictly on ‘a consulting basis.’ His words. I’m not even sure what he meant, and to be honest, I don’t know how we’re going to make this work. But I shouldn’t have said it that way.”
    I shrugged, still not looking at her.
    “Pressure’s high on this one, partner,” she said. “This guy’s had our number for three years now, and that’s bad enough. But you add in the Deegans, and suddenly everyone’s on edge, you know?”
    I could imagine.
    “The damn FBI’s back in town, acting as though they never bailed on us in the first place, asking why we haven’t made more progress while they were gone.” Kona paused, exhaled. “Anyway,” she went on, “I’m sorry.”
    “It’s all right.” And it was. I’d never been able to stay mad at Kona for long, or her at me. Our friendship—our partnership—had always been too strong. I raised my chin toward the door we’d come through. “You’ll apologize for me?”
    “Yeah, sure,” she said. “And I’ll get that information to you as quickly as I can. I promise.”
    I nodded. “I know you will.”
    She glanced back toward the door. “Anything more you can tell me about what you saw in there?”
    “Not really.” We started walking back toward 620. “It’s the same shade of red, but it’s fading faster than it used to. Otherwise it’s exactly like the other times. Mostly on her head and chest. No particular pattern, though it’s strongest around the eyes.”
    “Nothing different at all?” Kona asked.
    I shook my head, knowing where she was headed. “I don’t think he had any idea that this was Claudia Deegan. She was just another kid to him.”
    “Yeah, well, that

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