Stepbrother Confessions (BBW Contemporary Stepbrother Romance)
the new me.
    This was the me that Alan had set free from a cage, he had showed me that I was just as sexy as I had been all those years ago when I was thin and this me did not put up with being mistreated. I told my husband that I loved him and that I would always love him, but what I did not tell him was that he could come home.
    I was more than happy to tell him that our marriage was over and that I was moving on with my life. I told him that I had met someone who enjoyed being with me and that I hoped he was happy.
    He did not know that I had found out he had been having an affair for the past year and was expecting a baby from the woman. Josh never was the type of man who wanted kids, but this time he was going to have to grow up and be the man that he really thought he was.
    Honestly, I felt sorry for the poor woman, I knew what her future held, but no one had a clue what mine held. Eventually Alan and I moved beyond the office and started dating.
    We still kept it a secret from the rest of the office because we did not want rumors spreading and we did not want him to lose his job. I could easily get another one if I wanted with his recommendation, but we did not want to take unnecessary risks.
    There were nights that I would spend with Alan at his house and we would have the most amazing evening I could have ever imagined. We would make love and have crazy wild sex, enjoy a meal and do it all over again. Those were the best, those were the nights that I wanted my entire life to be like.
    I don’t know if that is what will happen, but I will never regret meeting Alan and I will never regret leaving Josh.
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