Stepping to a New Day

Stepping to a New Day by Beverly Jenkins

Book: Stepping to a New Day by Beverly Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beverly Jenkins
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who’s been there done that.”
    She gave the former alcoholic and Casanova a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks.”
    â€œNo problem. Do you want me to talk to Clay?”
    â€œIf you want to, but I don’t think it will make a difference. He’s got his mind made up and we both know how rigid he can be sometimes.”
    He nodded knowingly. “Well, hang in there. For what it’s worth, I like the new you.”
    That earned him a smile. “I like the new me, too.”
    â€œHow’s Marie?”
    â€œStill the same. I want to smack her and shout, ‘Snap out of it!’”
    â€œSame here. While you were in DC I went to the house to check on her, hoping we could talk, but she wouldn’t even answer the door.”
    â€œThis is so stupid.”
    â€œTell me about it.”
    â€œI want her to talk to Reverend Paula, but I don’t see her agreeing to that.”
    â€œMe either. We’ll just keep hoping and praying that she comes to her senses.”
    He left her to help with the cleanup and she was grateful to have him as a friend. Putting Marie out of her mind for the moment, Gen looked around for someone to hit up for a ride home. She saw TC Barbour talking with Gary and the Garlands. He glanced up casually and their gazes locked. He nodded and smiled. She nodded back, and while their gazes held, time seemed to suspend itself to the point that it took her a moment to realize Lily was standing beside her.
    â€œDoes Clay know you’re ogling another man?” Lily asked.
    Embarrassment heated her cheeks. “I’m doing no such thing.” Even as she wondered why he kept drawing her attention.
    â€œYou could’ve fooled me. Although for a man of a certain age, Gary’s uncle is kind of hot.”
    Laughing, Gen asked with mock severity, “What do you want, Lily July?”
    â€œI wanted to know if you enjoyed your trip to DC.”
    â€œI did.” And Gen filled her in on some of the highlights before asking, “Can I stop by your office tomorrow? I need your help and advice on some things.”
    â€œSure. I have something to work on in the morning but I’m free in the afternoon.”
    â€œI volunteer for the seniors’ lunch tomorrow at the rec. How about one-ish or so?”
    â€œWorks for me. We can talk business and then about what’s going on with you and Clay.”
    Gen responded with a soft chuckle. Nothing like living in a small town . “Okay. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
    Lily moved on. Gen spied Mal’s mother, Tamar, putting on her coat. The July matriarch didn’t live far from Marie’s.
    When Gen asked for a ride, Tamar replied, “Sure. Grab your things and meet me outside.”
    Gen picked up her coat and purse, and although the urge to glance TC’s way one last time whispered, she didn’t succumb on her walk to the door.
    Outside, she got into Tamar’s truck. The ninety-year-old Tamar drove her ancient truck, Olivia, as if they were qualifying for the Indy 500, so the drive home seemed to take only seconds. Tamar was one of the wisest women Genevieve had ever known, so before getting out she asked, “Do you think I’m being silly for trying to remake myself and my life?”
    â€œDo you think you’re being silly?”
    â€œNo, but apparently Clay does.”
    â€œGiving you grief?”
    Genevieve nodded.
    â€œWould you be happier being who he wants you to be?”
    â€œThen step into your new life without him,” Tamar advised easily. “You wouldn’t be the first woman to do so. Or man for that matter. Some people spend their entire lives trying to live up to someone else’s expectations and go to their graves wondering why they were never happy.”
    Gen felt the rightness in that.
    Tamar continued. “In the scheme of things you’re still relatively young. The Spirit willing, you have a good twenty,

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