Straight from the Heart

Straight from the Heart by Breigh Forstner Page A

Book: Straight from the Heart by Breigh Forstner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breigh Forstner
Tags: Fiction, Romance, music, Young Adult
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gentle, roamed
from my neck, making their way down the sides of my waist,
unbuttoning my shorts.
    “You want to do this?” He asked as he pulled
his mouth away. I was barely conscious to realize what I was doing,
but as I felt my shorts being pulled off of my legs, I knew
something was wrong. I couldn’t do this. I couldn’t give away my
virginity to some gorgeous lead singer of a big time rock band we
were opening up for just like that.
    I shook my head, grabbing my shorts and
covering myself up. Where were the other boys when you needed them?
Or Hal, I hadn’t seen him all night, where the Hell was he? “No, I
can’t do this.” I snapped, trying to climb down the few steps of
stairs, or jump from the bunk, whatever was quickest.
    Damon laughed at my drunken attempt to get
away from him. He gripped my arm before I could go any further.
“Where are you going? We were just getting started…”
    I jerked my arm away from him hard enough to
where I bumped my elbow into the wall and heard a crack. “Please
    “First you say ‘stay with me.’ Then you turn
around and say ‘Please go?’” He raised his voice, “I’m not missing
out on this,” He tried to finish where he left off, and my first
instinct was to scream.
    So I did. I screamed loud and long enough
until my voice felt numb. I kneed him in the stomach and rolled off
the bunk, falling onto my butt. I felt so stupid trying to run away
from someone like this. Call it the alcohol, but I wasn’t going to
be taken advantage of when I was drunk. I knew better than that, at
least for now.
    Of course, as soon as I stood back up Damon
had a hold of me again. “Leave me alone, I told you no,” I
struggled with the words as he grabbed my hips tighter and pulled
me against him. “STOP!” I screamed higher and louder with every
fingernail that dug into my skin.
    “I should’ve known.” Damon joked as he
whispered through his teeth. He was starting to move his fingers up
from the bottom of my shirt when I heard the door to the bus slam
open. I already knew who it was.
    “You muther fucker.” Cale pushed Damon,
causing me to fall to the ground. He looked down at me with
sympathetic eyes and growled “Stay up front, B, I’m going to take
care of this idiot.” I nodded as I rose to my feet, holding onto
the walls and making my way to the driver’s seat. Over the course
of the next few minutes I heard an argument and punches were being
    “Is everything okay, Bryn?” Hal walked up,
looking concerned and worried as I curled my knees up to my chest,
trying not to cry. Once again. I blamed the alcohol. “I heard
screaming and shouting coming from the bus, I wanted to make sure
no one was hurt.”
    I pointed towards the back, where a bloodied
up Damon stormed past us without a word, nearly bumping into Hal,
who would’ve taken him down with one punch. Cale soon followed, his
fist covered in red and his eyes filled with anger.
    “I think it’s about time we grab the rest of
the group and go to a hotel, Pelton. You can’t afford to fight
him.” Hal placed his stocky hands on Cale’s shoulders, “We have
altercations like this and the word gets out about it, you lose your chance at a big time record deal. No more indie label.”
He turned his attention over to me and looked at me apologetically.
“Next time he tries to put his hands on you like that again, I have
pepper spray in the glove compartment. Use it, you hear me?” I
smiled slightly, trying to fight back tears.
    “I’ll go out and get everyone,” Cale
suggested, but Hal stepped into his way.
    “No. You stay here and clean up, macho man.
I’ll lasso everyone up.” Hal replied before taking off.
    Cale stood there in silence as I stared at
the window in front of me out into the busy main street. I felt
like I was in shock. I had a guy try to force me into having sex
with him, and this other guy punches him to a bloody pulp? On day
    “Was that liberating for you?” I

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