Straight from the Heart

Straight from the Heart by Breigh Forstner

Book: Straight from the Heart by Breigh Forstner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Breigh Forstner
Tags: Fiction, Romance, music, Young Adult
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She mimicked Pauly, one
of the guitarists in Ignite the Flames. “So how is it working with
    “They’re really good guys. It’s definitely a
new experience but they’ve all been really supportive and made me
feel welcome,” I told her, and she formed a look on her face, as if
what I just said wasn’t possible.
    “Most of them. But Pelton, he’s a different
story.” Lucy frowned, putting the cup she was holding to her lips.
I tilted my head, signaling I wanted to know more, but she waved it
off like it was no big deal. “Don’t worry. He can be a dick, trust
me, but he’s a softie at heart. Just don’t let his cockiness fool
    “Did you date him at all?”
    She giggled and stretched her arms behind
her back. “Yeah. But it’s not something we talk about now. We had
our music careers, and our own lives, to worry about.” Now I felt
uncomfortable. From the way she explained their situation, it
sounded like she still cared about him. “How about you? Did you
leave a boyfriend behind at all?”
    Ethan. “Just broke up with a guy. It was
hard, but we had different goals,” I lied. I never told anyone,
especially my parents the real reason we broke up. That was our
little secret.
    “Ahh, well, nothing like a nice heaping cup
of alcohol to cure your misery.” Lucy handed me another cup that
was sitting on a table. She filled hers up once more and we slammed
our cups together. “Cheers, Schaefler, I’ll see you around.”
Patting me on the back, she went over to talk with some of her
    “Hey,” Damon Charming slurred from behind
me. I whipped around and he had his signature cigarette in his
mouth. I hated the smell of smoke; always have, especially when my
dad would chain smoke in his parlor on a daily basis.
    My head felt woozy from the drinking so I
put my hand on his shoulder so I wouldn’t fall over. “Hey yourself.
Didya watch our set?” I enquired, my words slurring.
    “Yes I did. You were pretty sassy up there
with that guitar, have you played long?” He questioned me, slipping
an arm around my waist and kissing me on the top of the head.
    I shook my head “Not too long, only for a
few years.” I nestled my head into Damon’s neck as I sipped on the
last of the liquid goodness I had been enjoying almost all night. I
told myself this would be the last drink, or else I knew I would
have a hangover and being on the bumpy roads wouldn’t help my head.
Choices, choices. “You should teach me how to move all over the
stage like you were doing, it was sooo…”
    “Alright Bryn I think you need to go lie
down, hun, that alcohol is making you say things you’ll regret,”
Damon warned me and picked me up so my legs were dangling in the
air and arms flailing.
    “Put me down!” I half shrieked and half
laughed as Damon carried me off. I recognized the smell of Cale’s
cologne and knew he had brought me back to my bus. “Why are you
bringing me back here, I want to stay out and partyyyy…”
    He laughed and tightened his grip on my
waist, directing his way back to the beds and climbing up the
ladder to my bunk. “I figured we could spend time in here alone.”
He spoke in a low growl. I didn’t think anything of it. All that
was on my mind at the moment was I needed to close my eyes. Damon
laid me down against my pillow as his mouth neared mine. “You are
absolutely beautiful,” he whispered.
    “I, uh, I’m awfully sleepy,” I murmured,
wiping my eyes and shielding my face. “Stay with me,” What was I
thinking, inviting a near stranger to sleep in my bed? For all I
knew he could take advantage of me in my sleep.
    Damon lay on his side facing me, and all I
could smell was that ungodly smoke; that and the little bit of
cologne in the air. He leaned down to me and quickly kissed me on
the mouth, slowly pulling away, and then his lips were on mine
again. I kissed him back, wrapping my arms around his neck as he
slid his tongue into my mouth. His hands, slow and

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