Sucking Bites (San Francisco Vampires Series #3)
looks away out the window at the near dawn. We’d never discussed this before. I’d never told anyone this before. Sebastian shakes his head once before he turns back to me.
    “Lily, I’m not your father. I’ve had my fun.” He turns back to me and his fingers run lightly down my face.
    “I was angry at my mother at the time,” I continue. “I realize now why she didn’t say anything to my father. Now I can admire her strength. But it was humiliating for me seeing the pity in people’s eyes. I never want to see that look directed at me when I walk into a room, Sebastian.”
    “Lily, ma Cherie, when I was sleeping with different women every night, I never was dishonest about it. I have changed. Even before I fell in love with you I have cherished you from the day I met you. I will never hurt you that way.” I close my eyes. I don’t want to deal with any of this right now. Too much has happened tonight and too much is unsure. I haven’t changed my mind about marriage either.
    “I think you need some more time, ma petite. I want you to feel confident, about this. I want you to trust me.”
    He slips something back into his pocket and kisses my ring finger. Then he puts on one of his never-ending stash of silk pajama pants and the bed dips as he slides in beside me. I lay on my side to take the pressure off the bite wound. Even though it’s healed, it burns.
    “Seeing you hurt tonight brought up memories of people I have loved and lost. I don’t know what the future is going to hold for us now, but I want to share it together,” Sebastian whispers.
    “Bast, I’ve been in so much pain I’ve hardly had time to be scared, but I am now. I can’t commit to a situation no one can predict. I don’t want to be the animal in the secret room you have to fear and constantly monitor so I don’t hurt anyone.” I shake my head. Sleepiness steals over me with the sun’s rising. “Don’t want to be that animal…”
    “Don’t even think that. If it comes to that, I will guard you when you are dangerous and we will be together on the days you are safe. We’ll make it work, Lily. Now close your eyes and rest.” Sebastian lies so he can stare into my eyes before I fall asleep. He traces my cheek and jaw.
    It is dawn. I can’t reply even if there was something to say.
    When I wake, Sebastian is still in bed with me, reading the Chronicle .
    “You made the papers, Cherie,” he tells me, turning back to the front page. “‘Mysterious victim of animal attack walks away in Chinatown,’ ” he reads. “‘Yet another ‘Full Moon Victim.’ Witnesses describe the attack.’ They must have been dazed by Aidan’s blast because no one reported seeing a naked human running away.”
    “I’m glad we didn’t stick around for the circus.”
    “Quite. How are you feeling this morning?”
    “Stiff and sore but healed up.”
    “Let me see, turn around please.” Sebastian scrutinizes my back. We hear a knock at the door.
    “Entre Helena,” Sebastian says. “She has been checking in to see if you were awake for the last several minutes.”
    “How are you, dear?” Helena sits beside me.
    “A little sore.”
    Sebastian moves behind her when she lowers my gown to check my back. 
    “Hmmm… you are not going to like this, Cherie. You will have a little scar. It is not too bad though. It is like two crescent moons.”
    “I can live with the scars. It’s the side effects I’d rather do without.”
    “Julian has been in chat with a professor in Romania all morning. They have been discussing your case. If you ask me they are a little too intrigued with the possibilities,” Helena says stiffly.
    “You can’t blame him too much, Helena. This is scientifically very obscure.” I give a weak smile. “Ever the scholar, our Jules. Besides someone should get something out of this.”
    “Yes, well I have to remind him that he is discussing you, not some anonymous case, every once in a while to bring him back

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