Sugar Rush

Sugar Rush by Sawyer Bennett

Book: Sugar Rush by Sawyer Bennett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sawyer Bennett
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knew all the shit he was handing you was nothing but shit. He was putting on an act, making you believe you chose wisely in a friend and partner. He was the total opposite with me in the limo. He belittled and taunted me. I saw the way you laughed and told stories and jokes with JT, knew it was a fucking act, and it pissed me off. While I think to some extent I logically knew that didn’t change your feelings about me, it did renew my fury against him. I just…snapped. Suddenly, I wanted revenge again. I wanted him out of my life so I wouldn’t have to suffer another fucking dinner and sit across from the table with your business partner—the man that raped me—while making polite conversation. I wanted him out of your life. I wanted to free you from his poison and then you’d have control of The Sugar Bowl, and then finally…finally, you and I could have the life we were meant to have. Together. So I decided to go through with my plan and I was looking in your office for anything that would help me accomplish it. I scored by getting his home address.”
    I finish with a shuddering breath, waiting to see what Beck will do. I don’t know if he can understand just how easily I was swayed again toward revenge and murder, but I don’t know if I will be able to handle it if he can’t accept my weaknesses.
    A look comes over Beck’s face, one filled with anguish and fatigue. He pulls one hand out from under mine and scrubs it over his face. His eyes dart to the right and he takes a deep breath, and when they slide back my way, what he tells me next causes my world to tilt.
    “Sela…JT is my brother.”
    “What?” I gasp in astonishment as I rear backward.
    “It fucking kills me to even claim we share the same blood, but yeah…he’s my brother. Half brother to be exact.”
    “I don’t understand,” I whisper, not able to even fathom this revelation. “I never read anything about that. You’ve never said anything.”
    “No one knows,” he says bitterly. “JT doesn’t even know. Only my father and his mother. And me, of course.”
    “I…I…” Fuck, I’m speechless.
    Beck leans forward, places his hands on my shoulders. His face comes near mine and his eyes pin me in place. “I’m not telling you that to elicit any sympathy for his cause. The fact we share blood isn’t going to save him from me. I’m going to make him pay, but you need to know why I really kept giving him chances. I’d all but given up on him as a friend and business partner. That blood tie was the last thin straw that was causing me to give him that one final chance. And yeah…I was fucking taken in by him at dinner that night. He snowed me, apparently, and knowing we share the same blood made it easier for me to fall into it. But not anymore. He’s fucking dead to me and I swear I’m going to make him pay.”
    Warmth flushes through me over his heated vow. While I definitely want to know more about this blood tie he shares with JT, I’m more interested to know how complicit Beck will become in my plans. I have an avenging angel on my side now, and together we can rid JT from our existence.
    “Will you help me kill him?” I whisper.
    The blood drains from Beck’s face, and now he’s the one that jerks backward. “Christ, Sela. No, we can’t fucking kill JT. We have to go to the police.”
    “But you said—”
    He rolls right over me. “I said I’d make him pay. I might beat him senseless first, but then we’re going to the police. He’s going down for this but we’re letting the legal system handle it.”
    I try to tamp down the rage that swelters hot within me and I push up from the coffee table until I’m standing over Beck on the couch. “He raped me with two of his buddies. Took away my innocence, held me down while some faceless monster tore my ass up, and then made fun of me when the jizz I didn’t swallow was dried to a crust in my hair. He put me in a cab, without a care in the world that he’d be

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