    “And this is Rentzaq. He’s in charge of security around here. If you leave the house, he’ll accompany you anywhere you need to go.”
    “Pleased to meet you, Rentzaq.” She smiled up at the older Kall, offering her hand to him. Rentzaq accepted it and smiled back, flooring Merokk. The old grump hardly ever did anything but scowl.
    After a quiet dinner, Merokk and Betsy retired for the evening. He sat next to her on the bed and explained the rules of the house as best he could. She was free to do whatever she wished during the day, but if she left the property, she must take Rentzaq along. Although the city seemed peaceful and safe at the moment, he refused to risk her welfare.
    “If I find you were rude to the servants, including Rentzaq, you will be punished. The same goes if you’re disrespectful to me, Betsy. Do you know what will happen if you are?” He leaned closer, searching her face.
    “Y-you just told me. You’ll punish me.”
    “How will I punish you, Betsy? I want to hear you say it.”
    Her cheeks reddened and she looked down at her hands, knotting her fingers together. “You’ll spank me.”
    “That’s right.” He lifted her chin, forcing her to meet his eyes. “I won’t hesitate to take you over my knee if you disobey the rules.”
    She swallowed and nodded in acquiescence.
    Merokk turned her head toward the far side of the room. Above a wide table covered with candles and images of the Kall homeworld, a leather strap hung from a hook on the wall. He grabbed her hand and led her toward the object. “Don’t move,” he said as he dropped her hand. He retrieved it from the wall and held it at her eye level. Her expression grew panicked, but she didn’t step back from the object of her fear. “If you ever lie to me, Betsy, I will use this instead of my hand. Never lie to me.”
    Immediately, she began shaking her head, not once taking her eyes off the heavy strap. “I promise. I’ll never lie to you.”
    “Good.” He returned the implement to its hook and gazed down at Betsy heatedly. He put his mouth to her ear and lowered his voice. “It’s time for bed. Tonight I’m going to teach you how to take all of my cock in your mouth.”
    * * *
    “So…how are things with Merokk?” Layla shot a wicked smile across the table and took a sip of her iced tea.
    Fiona tried her best not to blush but felt her cheeks redden despite her efforts. She lowered her eyes and grinned, momentarily lost in thoughts of her husband.
    “Oh! That good, huh?”
    “You know, you could’ve told me more about the Kall. I didn’t think he’d want me in his bed at all.”
    A waiter approached to refill their drinks, and the two women fell silent for a moment. The café in downtown DC buzzed with American government workers and a few Kall warriors garbed in black and gray. Their presence didn’t bother Fiona the way it would’ve in New York Settlement. A few days around Merokk, his servants, and his friends had put her at ease. Fiona’s eyes shot up as the waiter moved along.
    “Seriously, you should’ve told me! It’s not like the almighty President Carson was in the room with us during Betsy Carson 101.” Fiona speared a tomato with her fork and popped it into her mouth.
    Layla sighed. “I’m sorry I lied to you about so many things. I was instructed to lie so you wouldn’t get cold feet like Betsy and run off. The president blamed me for her abrupt departure after Kall Sex 101.” She giggled. “I spent way too much time on the Kall homeworld.”
    “So that’s why Betsy ran away? Because she didn’t want to have sex with Merokk?”
    “Yup.” Layla shrugged. “I hope she’ll be okay, wherever she is.”
    “I thought you guys were best friends. You really have no idea where she is?” It occurred to Fiona how badly she wished Betsy was never found. A vision of the strap hanging on the wall flashed in her mind. If you ever lie to me, Betsy, I will use this instead of my hand.

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