be one of the most humiliating experiences of her life.
    Where was he?
    An hour passed. Then two. Her stomach twisted and churned, and Fiona was thankful she’d eaten a light dinner. She stood up and began to pace the floor, wishing Merokk would hurry up and get it over with—or better yet, change his mind.
    She turned at the sound of the opening door. Her husband strode into the room with his larger-than-life presence causing the enormous space to seem the size of a closet. The first thing she noticed about him was his eyes. Instead of anger, she saw warmth and kindness in them. Her anxiety lessened. Maybe this was her lucky day, and he’d decided her infraction was no big deal. He gestured for her to join him on the edge of the bed. With heavy feet, she approached him and willingly sank onto his lap. Wrapping his arms around her, he placed a gentle kiss on her cheek, causing her heart to flutter.
    “You’re not mad anymore?” she asked, drawing back to meet his gaze.
    He sighed and brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’m not happy with you, Betsy, but I’ve calmed down. I’m disappointed you disregarded a rule meant to keep you safe. There are a lot of desperate people wandering the streets right now. There’s no telling what could happen if you are in the wrong place at the wrong time, and the fact that you’re the president’s daughter only compounds the danger.” He cupped her face in his warm, large hands. “You’re not to leave the property again without me or Rentzaq. Do you understand?”
    “Yes, sir. I’m so sorry.” She bit her lip, apprehensive over his next move.
    “Let’s get this over with.” He lifted her up, standing her on the floor. Reaching for her skirt, he pulled it down over her hips, taking her panties with it. Fiona felt like a doll being undressed, especially when her shirt and bra came next. She fought the urge to cover her exposed breasts. Sure he’d seen her naked plenty of times, but this was different. His gaze swept over her body, and a heavy sense of vulnerability took her unawares. It didn’t help that she craved his touch, anticipated it, and an unbearable ache had settled between her thighs. A strange mix of emotions and desires coursed through her, and it took all her strength to remain still under Merokk’s intense scrutiny.
    A second later, Fiona found herself upended over her husband’s lap on the bed. This was really happening. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the throbbing sensation rocketing through her center. If Merokk discovered her arousal, she would be mortified beyond belief. This was a punishment—how the hell could she be so turned on?
    Merokk wrapped one leg around hers and shifted her higher, forcing her thighs to part embarrassingly wide. He placed one hand on her bottom and grabbed her wrists in the other to pin them against the small of her back. Her heart pounded and pounded. Burning tears formed in her eyes and threatened to spill over, leaving her perplexed. The strength of her husband’s affection overwhelmed her to the point of utter confusion. He had rules in place to guard against her safety, and this knowledge warmed her heart as much as it left her terrified—because the depth of her feelings for him seemed endless. If something were to happen to him…
    She couldn’t complete the thought.
    Did he feel the same way about her?
    “What’s this?” His fingers glided through her folds, discovering her dampness. She tried to squirm away, but his hold remained firm. One digit pushed inside her channel, pumping slowly in and out. “Don’t fight me, little one. You know you deserve to be punished.” She felt his hand leave her and stiffened when his moistened finger suddenly poked at her bottom hole.
    “Please,” she whispered, but even she wasn’t sure whether it was a plea for him to stop or to continue. No one had touched her there before.
    “You were a bad girl,” he scolded, pushing his finger past her

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