Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2)

Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) by K.C. Lynn

Book: Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) by K.C. Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.C. Lynn
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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for what just happened. But I have a very strong feeling that I will be dreaming of fucking peaches for the rest of my life.

    I ’m a traitor and a whore. I’m a traitorous whore who fucked her brother’s enemy in the back of his truck like a floozy. And I liked it.
    No—I loved it!
    Oh god. How did it happen? My head is still reeling from it. One minute I was charging after him, ready to give him a piece of my mind for being such a jerk, then the next instant we were ripping each other’s clothes off like sex-starved animals. He devoured me in a way I’ve only ever dreamed about. It’s something I will never forget as long as I live. What happened between us was more than anything I’ve ever experienced.
    It makes no sense.
    We were so caught up in the moment we didn’t even use a condom. I have never done that before. I’m too sensible for that but, with him, he completely overrides my common sense.
    We spoke about it after, when reality began to sink in. Thankfully, I’m on the pill and he assured me he was clean, that they are tested regularly at the fire department. He also told me that he’s always used one before. I believe him, and I get a sick satisfaction knowing I got a part of him no one else ever has.
    God, what is wrong with me?
    I feel like I betrayed my brother, or my whole family for that matter, considering Jase doesn’t seem to like any of them. Including me. But he sure seemed to like me last night. The subtle ache between my thighs and the mark on my neck that I’m hiding with my hair is a beautiful reminder.
    We had silently lain in his truck long after the fact, his arms holding me close while we both tried to come to grips with what we did. I expected him to want me to leave right after. Wham, bam, thank you, ma’am, but it wasn’t like that at all. I think both of us would have stayed all night in that spot if we could have but we knew we couldn’t.
    After he drove me home he left me with a kiss I’ll remember forever. It wasn’t like any of the kisses we had shared earlier in the evening. It was slow—soft—meaningful. It was the most beautiful kiss I’ve ever had.
    It destroyed all other kisses up to this point and probably will shatter every other one to come.
    Now here I am, twenty-four hours later, back at Overtime, seated at one of the small tables that are amongst tons of women. A paddle is in my hand, ready to bid for a good cause. But all I can think about is the man that ruined me for anyone else in one damn night.
    I need to pull my head out of the Jase clouds it’s in and move on. It was one night. A night that he probably has already forgotten… Just the thought has lead settling in the pit of my stomach.
    “So are you ready for this or what?” Zoey asks with an excited smile as she takes the seat across from me, having no idea of my inner turmoil.
    “I’m ready,” I say, raising my paddle and also my gin and tonic, taking a hefty sip since I’m going to need it. A lot of it. I know why she’s excited though, this is a big night that could potentially raise a lot of money to help the Miracle Center her sister is in.
    “I have a check for you from my father,” I tell her.
    She gives me an appreciative yet sad smile. “He didn’t have to do that.”
    “He wanted to. You know he would give far more if you would accept it.”
    “Your family has already gone above and beyond for Chrissy and me. I’m indebted to them for life.”
    I’m about to tell her she owes us nothing but I’ll just sound like a broken record. Instead, I reach over and take her hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
    Her eyes are suddenly drawn to something behind me and she groans. “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised.”
    She lifts her chin for me to look. I turn in my seat, my blood heating at the sight of Stephanie.
    I bet I know whom she plans to bid for…the thought has jealousy heating my blood.
    She spots us right away, her nose lifting as she

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