Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2)

Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) by K.C. Lynn Page A

Book: Sweet Haven (The Sweet Series Book 2) by K.C. Lynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.C. Lynn
Tags: Fiction, Romance
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makes her way over to us. Or rather, toward me since her eyes are locked with mine.
    “Samantha,” she says, in that snotty tone of hers.
    “Stephanie,” I mock back.
    “Decided to leave the playground?”
    Zoey stands, ready to come to my defense, but I ward her off with a lift of my hand. “Actually, I did. I came to support a good cause.”
    “And just who are you bidding for?” she asks. When I remain silent, refusing to play her game, she leans into my personal space, her eyes narrowing. “Let’s make one thing clear. Jase is mine, so back off.”
    I tense, wondering why she’d think I’d be here for him.
    “I’m not stupid,” she says, sensing my thoughts. “It’s obvious to everyone. Stay away from him.”
    It’s on the tip of my tongue to tell her she can have him but it would be a lie. I might not be able to have him but I most certainly will not be giving him to her on a silver platter.
    “I’ll bid on whoever I want,” I tell her. “Whether it be Jase or any of the other guys.”
    “We’ll see about that.” She starts away but Zoey grabs her arm before she can make it far.
    “Cause any problems, Stephanie, and not only will I have you thrown out but you will never be allowed back in here again. Tonight is important. Don’t ruin it.”
    She rips her arm out of Zoey’s grasp, her chin jutting out. “I’m here to support a good cause like everyone else.”
    Yeah right, the only cause she’ll be supporting is the one that requires her to get on her knees.
    “Good. Keep it that way,” Zoey says.
    Turning her nose back up, Stephanie walks away, thankfully to a table at the other end of the room.
    “God, I can’t stand her!” I grit out.
    “I know. None of us can, but her money is as good as anyone else’s. For that reason alone I can put up with her for a few hours.” She takes her seat again, her eyes pinning me in place. “So, are you ever going to fill me in on what happened when you stormed out after Jase last night and never came back?”
    My eyes dart away from hers as I take another gulp of my drink. “Yep, one day. Just not tonight.”
    I haven’t come to terms with it myself yet so there’s no way I’d be able to explain my actions to anyone else.
    She chuckles, shaking her head. “I already know, but I can’t wait for the juicy details.”
    Oh, they’re juicy all right.
    Thankfully, I’m saved from having to say more when a woman in a dress suit takes the stage. “Good evening, ladies, and thank you for joining us tonight for our first annual Date For A Cause auction. My name is Lindy Armstrong, president of the fundraising committee at the Children’s Miracle Center, and I will be your MC for the night. I want to send out a special thank you to Zoey Anderson for not only coming up with this magnificent idea but for allowing us to host it here in her establishment. The turnout has been more than we could have hoped for.”
    As we all applaud Zoey gives a shy smile and a short wave, uncomfortable with the attention.
    “Who here is ready to meet our fine gentlemen of the hour?”
    I smile at the next round of applause and can’t help but feel sorry for all the guys. Well, except for Cam. He’ll eat this up, but I’m sure the rest of them will feel awkward about a bunch of women bidding for their time. Or maybe not.
    Will Jase be? Or will he soak it up like Cam?
    It doesn’t matter, Sam. Don’t think about him. Bid on someone else, it will be a good distraction.
    “Without further ado, please welcome the charming and courageous men of Fire Station Two.”
    The entire place erupts in applause, women whistling and catcalling as sixteen spiffed up men in black tuxedos walk out and line up. My eyes immediately stray to the one man I haven’t stopped thinking about. The one whose touch I can still feel burning beneath my skin.
    All the memories of last night come flooding back on a rush, making my entire body flush with heat. His eyes move along the crowd, as if

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