Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair

Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Page B

Book: Taffy Sinclair 011 - Nobody Likes Taffy Sinclair by Betsy Haynes Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betsy Haynes
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me in the care of the people I ' ve always called my parents. They left me here because I was frail, and they were afraid I could not survive the hardships of traveling from town to town. Now they are dying, and I must go to them before it is too late. "
    Tears streamed down Cory ' s face as he begged her to stay. Taffy fought back her own tears as she got to her feet.
    " I must go, but I will always love you. And if there is a way for me to come back to you, I will. I promise with all my heart. " Kissing the tip of a finger, she brushed it across his cheek, then turned and fled down the path.
    There was not a sound in the room as Taffy pulled herself back to reality. Fear shot through her. Had she been that bad? Glancing quickly around, she saw to her amazement that there was hardly a dry eye in the class. Suddenly applause thundered from everywhere.
    " Oh, Taffy. That was wonderful! " shrieked Mrs. Sinclair, rushing forward and smothering her with a gigantic hug.
    Taffy turned. Channing Cranda ll was beaming at her.
    " That was wonderful, Taffy, and it should prove to everyone here why you, and only you, will play Tiffany Stafford if the movie becomes a series, " he said in an authoritative voice.
    Taffy nodded and went back to her seat. She didn ' t look at Summer or Cynthia. She didn ' t have to. She had ended any chance either of them had to take her role away from her—and she had done it by improvising saying good-bye to Cory.
    " But can I do the scene as well if I have to say goodbye for real? " she whispered .

    M onday was Clash Day, and Taffy went through her closet looking for the worst possible combination she could find. As she held up one piece of clothing after another in front of the mirror, she couldn ' t help remembering that it had been exactly one month ago— on Pajama Day—that she had returned from Hollywood to Wakeman Junior High. She winced as she remembered how awful it had been to be practically the only girl in school wearing regular clothes.
    " I stuck out like a sore thumb, " she told her reflection. " But not today. "
    A lot had happened in that month, she thought. She still missed Hollywood as much as she had at first, but at least she was starting to feel like she belonged at Wacko. Still, that could all change again if Nobody Likes Tiffany Stafford becomes a television series, she reminded herself.
    Taffy finally settled on a bright orange pullover sweater that she seldom wore because it made her complexion look a sick shade of green. Next she put on a fuchsia miniskirt, and completed the outfit with flame red tights and black high-top shoes.
    " That ought to do it, " she giggled, dabbing on pink lipstick.
    She was humming to herself as she gathered her books and jacket and hurried down to breakfast. Mr. Sinclair had already left for work, but her mother was sitting at the table sipping coffee and working the crossword puzzle in the morning newspaper.
    " Morning, Mother, " said Taffy.
    " Morning, dear, " replied Mrs. Sinclair. Then she glanced up. Her mouth dropped open, her eyes got enormous, and she nearly dropped her coffee cup. " Taffy! What ' s wrong with you? And why are you wearing that outfit? You look ghastly ! "
    Taffy twirled around to give her mother the full effect of her outrageous clothes. Then she laughed and said, " Don ' t worry. Today is Clash Day. Everybody will be dressed like this. "
    " I don ' t care if it ' s Insanity Day, you ' re not leaving the house like that! " her mother stormed. " What if someone saw you in that get-up? Someone important ? "
    " If you mean Channing Crandall, I ' m sure he ' s gone back to Hollywood by now, " Taffy assured her. " Like I said, everybody at school will be wearing horrible outfits. I ' ll just blend into the scenery. "
    " Taffy, I ' m serious, " warned her mother. " You are not leaving this house dressed that way. Now, go upstairs immediately and change into something presentable. "
    " You don ' t understand! I have

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