Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 5
glass down and
demanded, "were you really the guy I saw at the
    "Yes," Saul stated
    Aradia's mouth dropped open
in shock.
    She then shook her head and
asked, "why didn't you help me?"
    "Who says I
    This definitely got Aradia's
attention. "What?"
    Saul sighed deeply and then
sat down next to her. "I guess Dax never told you huh?"
    The mention of Dax froze
Aradia up. After taking a deep controlling breath she said, "tell
me what?"
    "That I was the one who told
him to where to find you," Saul stated.

    "As a historian," Saul
began, "my travels have taken me all over the world. However, upon
hearing rumors about a hidden witch living in Salem....well
needless to say my curiosity overwhelmed me and I wanted to see
you. So I traveled all the way to America to observe you but the
moment I got here I had heard unsavory things about
    "Such as?" Aradia
    "Such as people wanting to
acquire you in their pursuit of power. People such as the McAlester
    "Why didn't you warn me?"
Aradia demanded as she shot to her feet.
    Saul sighed and stood
    He stared down at Aradia and
said, "I tried but I couldn't get a chance alone with you.
Furthermore, I had no proof and let's face it would you really
believe a random guy if he walked right up to you and said someone
was trying to kill you? Especially if he has no concrete
    Aradia couldn't say anything
so Saul continued, "So I followed them around and tried to get
people to help me. However, no one was willing to help me stop them
so I had to figure out a plan on my own. I tried to warn Dax about
the trap he was walking into but unfortunately I wasn't able to
stick around and see if my warning had been effective."
    "How on Earth did you figure
out where Henry had taken me?" asked Aradia.
    "I didn't," Saul said
surprisingly. "You see by being a historian I have to be able to
make nice with several of the vampire leaders such as the leaders
of Salem, New York, and others. On that particular night, I had
been invited to a blood feast by the leader of the Philadelphia
    "What's a blood feast?"
Aradja asked.
    Saul heaved a heavy breath
as if what he was about to say was going to be very emotionally
painful. "It's a sort of party...for vampires...who enjoy sharing a
    "Sharing a human..." Aradia
    "Yeah," Saul said in a very
dragged out and uneasy way. "I, the leader, and one of his
concubines decided to procure a young man hanging around a
    "A guy?" Aradia's voice was
    Saul chuckled a bit. "Don't
worry I am not gay or anything."
    "Then why did you pick a
    "I didn't," he stated, "the
leader's concubine did. She went in, she chose him, and then
brought him back to the car where we..."
    There was an awkward pause
between the two of them that lasted several minutes.
    Until finally Aradia asked,
"Did you kill him?"
    Saul just exhaled a deep
breath and turned away. Aradia gasped and clutched a hand to her
    "Why?" she finally managed
to croak, "why on earth would you..."
    "Look," Saul stated boldly
as he swung back around to face her, "you know how in the real
world nothing is black or white. Well in the hidden world it is
kill something or be thought of as weak and weakness is what gets
you killed. I know how different the human world is in comparison
to the hidden world but one thing stays the same: they all want to
live. Therefore, in order to live especially in the hidden world
they have to do things they regret."
    "God knows," he added under
his breath, "that's what I have had to do for the past hundred
    Aradia just shook her head
softly, speechless.
    Saul sighed heavily before
talking again, "anyway that's beside the point. I went with the
leader and his concubine. I didn't know you were being held there.
I had hoped that the McAlesters hadn't been able to capture
    He paused and ran his
fingers through his hair. "So needless to say I wasn't happy

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