Tales of Aradia The Last Witch Volume 5
when I
saw you there. I couldn't do anything with Henry McAlester there or
the other vampires. I mean seriously, they would kill us before we
got halfway to the door. There was nothing I could do for you there
at least not alone. So I did the next best thing, I went to get
help. I found Dax and told him where to find you and the rest you
know is history."
    A horrible pause passed
between them before Aradia spoke again.
    "He raped me," Aradia spat
sneeringly and with a ferocious look in her eyes, "did you know
that? While you left to get help that bastard took me to his room
and he raped me!"
    Saul struggled to speak but
Aradia didn't wait for a response. "You could have helped me. You
could have stopped him. Instead you left and I got raped! Do you
have any idea what that was like? I still have nightmares. I
remember his awful touch and shudder. I still wake up screaming in
the middle of the night for Christ's sake. Do you have any idea
what's that like? I mean for christ's sake do you have any idea how
horrible that experience was for me?! Did you even
    "I am sorry..." Saul
    "You're sorry? You're sorry!
Oh well why didn't you say so earlier" Aradia sarcastically. She
tried to turn and stomp away from him and out into the streets, but
Saul sensed this. He worried that if Aradia ran off now he would
have to spend more time trying to win her over and having more time
was not an option. Thinking fast, his arms shot out to grab Aradia
and held her close.
    "Hey!" Aradia shrieked.
"What the hell are you doing?"
    "I have thought of that
night too you know," Saul muttered, sounding breathless and ragged,
"I have thought of how much I wanted to rip that guy to shreds for
daring to touch you. I have thought of ripping his heart out and
watching crumble to dust. I have thought about chaining him to a
rock and having the sun fry him while he is still alive. I have
thought of everything but most of all I thought about what a coward
I was."
    Saul forced tears to come
out of his eyes that dripped slowly onto Aradia's hands. "I am so
sorry Aradia for not helping you. It's true I went to tell your
friends where to find you but I should have stayed to protect you.
I should have..."
    He stopped and shook his
head, burying his nose in her hair and trying to suppress a shudder
of desire. He kept the solemnness in his voice when he spoke again,
"I am so very sorry Aradia. I am so very sorry."
    He then sighed deeply,
shaking his head yet again. Aradia knew she shouldn't but she
couldn't stop herself from feeling sympathetic for Saul. She then
closed her eyes, ignoring her better judgement, and clutched his
shoulders. Saul was glad he was taller than Aradia because that
made it easier to hide his smirk of triumph.

Chapter Nine
    "Young lady! Where the hell
have you been?!" Ross stood in front of Aradia, blocking the way to
the stairs.
    He had been angry before but
Aradia had never seen him like this. His face was flaming red and
eyes were bloodshot. Her mother, however, was just sitting at the
kitchen table. She was wearing the puppy bathrobe that she had
owned for years. She was clutching a mug but still staring at her
daughter. Aradia's eyes silently pleaded for help but her mother
just avoided her gaze.
    Typical , Aradia thought bitterly.
    "Hey!" Ross's roar commanded
her attention. "I am talking to you!"
    "yes daddy," Aradia said
    "Where were you?! Your
mother and I have been worried sick. You have been missing for two
whole days. I had the police scouring the whole damn town for you.
Why didn't you call? Where in God's name were you?"
    Aradia put her hands in her
pockets and looked down at the ground.
    "Well?!" Ross demanded,
"where were you?"
    "I was at a friend's house,"
Aradia muttered.
    "What friend?!" he bellowed,
"I called all your friends Rhonda, Roy, Everett, and Calvin. Hell,
I even called Dax for Christ's sake."
    Aradia couldn't help but add
sneeringly, "you do realize we broke up right?"

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