Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Cara North Page A

Book: Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Cara North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara North
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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on her side.
    Never in her life had anyone chosen her over them. Douglas had even slept with Katie. Though he refused to admit it, she knew. The same way she found out about her dad and Rosie. The house staff told her. Malina had been her nanny since childhood, the only person who really cared for her. She encouraged her to escape.
    She dressed in her favorite J-Lo jogging suit, perfect for travel. She would not say she looked like the star, but the suit was made for a woman's body and accentuated hers without making her look fat. Bethany took one last look in the mirror then entered the room.
    Jack sat at a table with a cup of coffee in his hand and stared out the balcony doors, which he had opened. She could not help but appreciate his profile. His strong nose and jawline gave him the look of a man who could easily dress in the finest clothes and walk on a runway for Calvin Klein or Ralph Lauren, but Jack sat there in a plain black T-shirt and well fitting Levi's, drinking coffee, oblivious to the world around him.
    "You're doing it again.” He smiled and then set the coffee cup on the table.
    "How do you know when I'm staring at you?” She walked over and took the seat across from him. He started to stand, but she waved him down. “You don't have to pull my chair out anymore. I'm yours. You got me."
    He seemed bristled by her comment, and she felt a lecture coming on.
    "I'm a real gentleman. Most of the time anyways, and you are a lady whether I hooked you or not. Which by the way, I should remind you, it was you who called me the chicken and goaded me down the aisle.” Jack nodded. “So, as you eat your cold breakfast, I have a few things I need to explain."
    "Okay.” Bethany removed the plate cover and realized the food was still warm but not hot. She poked at the eggs while he talked.
    "I live on a ranch. It's nothing fancy, but it's mine, well ours. My brothers are there. We all live in my house right now because it's a big house, and until this weekend, we were all bachelors. It saved on money for us to live in one house rather than be spread out, paying utilities and what not for three.” Jack pulled the coffee to his lips. He took a fortifying gulp, looked at her as if he were gauging her reaction, then continued. “They will move over to Heath's place since it's finished, but it may take a week or two. Until they get out, it will be the four of us."
    "Okay.” Bethany started eating. This was not bad news at all. She had never been part of a large family. As an only child, she had been a miniature adult most of her life. Her three friends were the closest to siblings she had, and they were all just as spoiled and privileged as she was.
    Jack obviously was not expecting such an easy agreement. “So, you will be okay with living in a house with three grown men?"
    "Sure.” She shrugged, not understanding why he seemed unsure.
    "You're okay around animals, right?"
    "Your brothers aren't animals, Jack. I'm sure I will be fine.” She waved it off. She did not know why he was making such a big deal over nothing.
    "My brothers? Right. Well okay. As long as you're okay with it, I'm okay with it.” Jack shook his head. “Now, what do you want from this situation?"
    "Your last name and a job.” She looked at him. All male, he probably thought she would stay home and cook and clean ... her temper flared. “And I will work, Jack Johnson, and make my own money, and I will work. You won't stop me!"
    "Fine by me. I'd just as soon keep our finances separate, all things considered.” He lifted his coffee mug to her like a toast then took another drink.
    For some reason, the thought of keeping things separate hurt her feelings. No, she did not expect him to want to stay married, but did he have to be so blunt about it? Yes, she wanted independence, but on some level, she realized she wanted him to want her. To be the big brooding man he was and stake a claim. “So, I'll open my own account. In three months time, I

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