Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Cara North Page B

Book: Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Cara North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara North
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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should have a job, enough money saved to get my own place, and we can go our separate ways."
    "It may take longer than three months for my paperwork to go through. The lawyer has to check in on us, and he has to believe we will be married a reasonable amount of time. At the end of three months, he will release the money to my account, and I can finally get enough equipment to really start the ranch.” Jack turned the coffee cup in a circle on the table not looking up at her.
    "I'll stay as long as you need me to. After three months, I'll chip in, but you have to give me those three months to find a job. I'm not taking a dime from my daddy, well no more than what I already have anyways.” Bethany was not about to tell him how much it was, but she had enough to stay in Vegas a while, so it should be enough to put down roots in Montana.
    "Sounds fair. So, we will set this aside and in three months revisit the issue.” He sipped the last of his coffee and stood. “In the meantime, we will act like newlyweds. You ready?"
    "As I'll ever be.” Bethany took a deep breath and smiled. This was a new beginning. A fresh start. Her chance of a lifetime. And she was damn sure going to take it!
    * * * *
    "I bet you'll hate giving this thing up.” Bethany looked at the truck and nodded.
    "Why would I give her up?” He loaded her suitcases and his duffle bag in the back seat. She was wearing some soft, little outfit. It made her curves stand out, and his libido kick into overdrive. He had not been this insatiable since he was a teen, and yet here he was, eyeing her at any possible moment and so turned on by the way she looked at him it was impossible to keep his hands off of her.
    "You mean this isn't the rental from the airport?” She gave him a new expression, one indicating she thought he was nuts. He smiled.
    "No, ma'am. This is mine.” He opened the front door to the truck and held out a hand to help her up into the cab.
    She took his hand and climbed into his truck. He shut the door and looked at her for a moment. She smiled out the window to him. With her brown hair pulled back in a ponytail and her face free of make-up, she looked like an all-American beauty sitting there. It was an important test for a woman to pass.
    "So, does it have a hemi?” she asked as he opened the driver-side door.
    He stopped. Her words smacked him out of his daydream. She looked real good in that seat, but foul language could not be tolerated.
    "Woman, there are three things you don't do to a man. You don't curse at his truck, you don't mess with his horse, and you don't poke fun at his dog.” He shook his head. “This is a Ford, not a Dodge. I'll let it slide, this time."
    He winked and proceeded to get into his beloved Ford. Bethany rolled her eyes at him. She obviously didn't understand the relationship between a man and his vehicle.
    "How long is the drive?"
    "About 13 hours, most of it straight up I-15.” He started up the truck. “Listen to her purr."
    "You seem a little too excited about being in this truck. I have to tell you.” She smiled.
    "I love this truck. It's the only new vehicle I have ever owned. It beats the hell out of my last truck. By the time I got it, it was like the truck on Sanford and Son. I think I pushed it more than I drove it.” He laughed recounting the memory. “Don't be jealous."
    "Of a truck? Are you serious?” She crossed her arms obviously jealous. He ignored it and continued to talk about his old hand-me-down truck.
    Bethany watched him tell his story and witnessed how his eyes lit up and his dimples popped out. He may think he did not like his old truck, but the memories were good ones. Of course, she had a BMW delivered to the front door on her sixteenth birthday. There was no love or hate for the car. It just was. But then, she never had to ask for anything material, and she never got anything more than material things.
    "Jack.” Bethany decided she had to tell him about her father. It wasn't fair to

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