Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off

Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Cara North

Book: Tequila Makes Her Clothes Fall Off by Cara North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cara North
Tags: Fiction, Erótica, Romance
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carried them by the handle. She sure did not pack light.
    "Ladies. It's been fun all these years, but it's over,” she said.
    Bethany marched out the door, and he followed. Once they were both on the outside, she turned back to face three shocked women. Jack feared she was changing her mind, but her posture had not changed a bit.
    "Katie, Rosetta, Mercedes. I love you. I really do, but I am an adult not a child. I don't need your support or approval. If you really want to be friends, you will respect my decisions. I never judged you, Katie, even though you try to sleep with any guy who gives you the time of day. Mercedes, I never told anyone how you were cheating on Rodney the first three months of your marriage. Rosetta ... Rosie ... I know you want to be diplomatic and be all things to all people, but you are not my mom, old friend, which means you should stop fucking my dad!"
    She slammed the door. He was certain he felt as much shock as her friends.
    "So, where do we live?” she asked as if she had not just rocked everyone's world in that room. He took a moment to collect his thoughts.
    Bethany headed toward the elevator, and Jack followed behind her. He never wanted to be on the receiving end of this woman's wrath. No one would see it coming because she seemed so meek and mild mannered. The little lady he met in the bar was like a viper. If she got coiled up, a strike was deadly.
    "Montana,” he said as he set the bag down in the elevator.
    "It has wheels.” She reached over and tried to pull the case upright. He grabbed the side handle and righted the suitcase on the small wheels. Bethany unzipped a small patch of material on the top and pulled up a handle. Well, that explained how she carried the damn thing. It weighed a ton.
    "Thanks. I was wondering if you pushed it to the airport. It's heavy.” He attempted to lighten the mood.
    He placed the smaller one on top, and Bethany pointed to the strap, which apparently attached it to the larger bag. He would not feel like an idiot. No sir. Men did not carry fancy bags. He carried a plain black duffle for crying out loud.
    "It has a lot of stuff in it. I didn't plan on going back home right away. I mean I didn't know I would be going to Montana either. I had planned to stay here in Vegas a while.” She looked at the small phone. As if she had revived it, the ring tone began, sounding like a soundtrack from an oriental restaurant. The chimes played, but she ignored it.
    "Do you need to get it?” He was getting nervous. She had not let down her businesslike posture one bit. There was a lot going on. He planned to meet a woman and dupe her. Now, he had the sneaking suspicion he had just been duped!
    "No. It's my mother. I'll call when we get to Montana. We will be leaving today, right?” Bethany looked at him, and for a fleeting moment, he read insecurity and fear in her eyes. Then, they tightened back into a no nonsense expression.
    "I'll grab my bag, and we can leave now if you like.” He rubbed his forehead.
    This was not exactly what he planned. He needed to tell his brothers he was coming home and tell Bethany they all lived in one house temporarily. His sister was the only one who had gotten married so far. To save on expenses, his two brothers moved into his place.
    "Can we grab breakfast first?” She sighed and visibly relaxed. “Then, we can hash out our own arrangement as well."
    Now, Jack put on the business face. “Sounds good."

Chapter 5
    Bethany took a shower as Jack ordered room service. She contemplated how much she wanted to tell him and how much she wanted to keep to herself. When she entered the great room, she realized she wanted to tell him everything. For that reason alone, she could not. Jack was already getting under her skin and not just because he made her feel beautiful, sexy, and wild. He did all those things, yes, but even with all of her perky friends surrounding him, he only watched her. He did not care what they said or did; he was

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